OF TIME AND TURTLES: Mending the World, Shell by Shattered Shell
- 國家圖書獎入圍作品《章魚的靈魂》作者Sy Montgomery新作!
- 地球上最多樣化、最迷人、最受歡迎的物種之一--烏龜的頌歌
- 融合了科學、回憶錄、哲學,借鑒了全球各地的文化,對受傷的烏龜和它們的救援者進行了富有同理的描述,邀請我們所有人放慢腳步,進入烏龜時間。
當著名的自然學家Sy Montgomery和野生動物藝術家Matt Patterson來到烏龜救援聯盟時,迎接他們的是數百隻正在從傷害和疾病中恢復的烏龜。這些烏龜受到汽車和高速公路、污染和偷獵者的威脅,它們的傷口非常嚴重,甚至獸醫都宣告無救。但它們在救援聯盟獲得了第二次生命的機會。該聯盟的創始人娜塔莎和亞曆克夏的座右銘是:永遠不要放棄任何一隻烏龜。
但為什麼是烏龜?是什麼讓他們如此投入於保育當中?作者Sy Montgomery以優雅的風格、新聞的好奇心和典雅的藝術作品,講述了我們長壽的同居者的奇蹟和智慧,向我們展示了關於時間和療癒的新觀點。烏龜古老而不急躁,長壽而雄偉,它們的血統可以追溯到恐龍時代。有的活到兩百歲,甚至更長。另一些則在寒冷的冬季水中埋藏數月之久。作者將這些鮮為人知但又令人驚訝不已的生物,延伸並嘗試探問一個永恆的問題: 我們如何才能與我們的時間和平相處?
為了追尋答案,Sy Montgomery和Matt Patterson沉浸在保護烏龜巢穴、孵化烏龜蛋、拯救烏龜以及將孵化的烏龜放回野外家園的繁瑣工作中。我們跟隨鱷龜 "消防隊長 "的驚人旅程,與卡車造成的傷害作鬥爭。《烏龜時間》充滿希望和樂觀,是對我們在這個狂熱世界與遭遇變動的解方。
“Sy Montgomery’s The Soul of an Octopus does for the creature what Helen Macdonald’s H Is for Hawk did for raptors.” — New Statesman
“Sweet moments are at the heart of Montgomery’s compassionate, wise and tender new book…Only a writer of her talent could make readers care about octopuses as individuals…Joins a growing body of literature that asks us to rethink our connection to nonhumans who may be more like us than we had supposed.” — St. Paul Pioneer Press on The Soul of an Octopus
"A rare jewel, full of empathy and the profound wisdom Sy has received from animals she has loved over her extraordinary lifetime. This sweet book is a triumphant masterpiece that I'm recommending to everyone." — Stacey O'Brien, New York Times bestselling author of Wesley the Owl, on How to Be a Good Creature
"In loving yet unsentimental prose, Sy Montgomery captures the richness that animals bring to the human experience. Sometimes it takes a too-smart-for-his-own-good pig to open our eyes to what most matters in life.” — John Grogan, author of Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World’s Worst Dog, on The Good Good Pig
“If you’re a bird-lover—or otherwise revel in nature—you’ll appreciate Montgomery’s latest. . . . It’s an informative read that will make you want to go outside and look up into the sky.” — Washington Post on The Hawk’s Way