
類別 : 歷史小說
頁數 : 368
出版 : Dutton, 2023 年 6 月 13 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Kathryn / 简体博達代理Ivan


《紐約時報》暢銷書 The Magnolia Palace 作者新作:時光回到1950年代的美國紐約市,正值無線電城音樂廳 (Radio City Music Hall) 全盛時期,一段關於愛情、犧牲和逐夢的驚險故事。


1956年,紐約市: 19歲的瑪莉安.布克 (Marion Brooks) 知道自己應該感到幸福。自高中時期交往的男友即將向她求婚,從此過着眾所期待的生活:在寧靜的郊區安家,瑪莉安在屋裡照顧兩人的孩子,然而,瑪莉安感覺自己被束縛着。因此,當舞蹈試鏡的機會來到她的面前,她毅然用可預見的未來換取耀眼的舞台,加入嚮往的著名舞蹈團—— 無線電城火箭女郎。


與此同時,這座城市發生了一連串的爆炸案件,主嫌犯被媒體稱為「大蘋果炸彈客」,在市區人潮眾多的場所放置炸彈、恐嚇市民已有16年之久,警方長達1年的緝捕行動仍毫無斬獲,引起民眾一片譁然。當全市陷入絕望時,當地一家精神病院的年輕醫生——彼得.格里斯 (Peter Griggs) 受警方之託前來協助查案,並以心理剖繪的激進技術鎖定嫌犯,




費歐娜.戴維斯 (Fiona Davis) 是《紐約時報》的暢銷書作者,主要創作以紐約市標志性建築為背景的歷史小說。初至紐約時是一名演員,但在取得哥倫比亞大學新聞學院的碩士學位後便愛上了寫作。作品曾獲「一書一城」(One Book, One Community) 網站選讀,文章也曾刊載於《華爾街日報》與《歐普拉雜誌》等讀物。她的小說已被翻譯成二十多種語言,目前居住於紐約市。


“As the plot builds to a dramatic climax that sees Marion putting her life at risk, Davis expertly incorporates behind-the-scenes details of the Rockettes, including the intricate choreography of their wooden soldiers number. This page-turner delivers the goods.” —Publishers Weekly

“An engaging story…the novel is rich with historical details, and it comes most vividly to life in the passages about the Rockettes, with all the sweat, agony, and camaraderie that go into those miraculously perfect performances.” —Kirkus

“Davis masterfully draws Marion into the story, setting the scene for a cinematic conclusion. Readers will be attracted to the intriguing history and moved by Davis' entrancing narrator.”

"Fiona Davis just gets better and better! Nineteen-year-old dance teacher Marion, feeling trapped by her straitlaced father and her upcoming engagement, impulsively auditions for the Rockettes and is soon flung into a sequined world of grueling rehearsals, stage glitter, and four shows per day. When an anonymous bomber targets Radio City Music Hall, Marion's glittering new life reveals a dangerous dark side and she is flung into the search for a killer—but how can a kick-line dancer help save the city she loves? The Spectacular dazzles from start to finish." —Kate Quinn, New York Times bestselling author of The Diamond Eye

“Fiona Davis once again shines while spotlighting the fascinating yet lesser-known history of a New York City landmark. A propulsive novel packed with mystery, thrills, and long-buried secrets, The Spectacular is a unique, spellbinding read not to be missed. I loved it.” —Kristina McMorris, New York Times bestselling author of Sold on a Monday and The Ways We Hide

"Another brilliant book from a brilliant author! This is historical fiction at its finest, combining elements of love, betrayal, and pursuing one's dreams amid the glamour of Radio City Music Hall and the shadow of a madman terrorizing the city."—Jamie Ford,New York Timesbestselling author of The Many Daughters of Afong Moy

“Filled with intrigue, suspense and captivating characters, The Spectacular has everything I love in a novel. Fiona Davis has shaped this true crime-inspired story like a master choreographer, mesmerizing her audience with every breathless twist and turn of the narrative, right up to the thrilling finale.” —Ann Leary, New York Times bestselling author of The Foundling

“Fiona Davis returns with yet another dazzling novel set in one of New York City's most iconic venues: Radio City Music Hall. Set in the 1950s, Marion Brooks is the Rockette's newest dancer, but she soon learns that the stage is a cutthroat place for a young woman — and so is the big city. When an elusive bomber targets Radio City, Marion begins to hunt for the truth, but doing so puts herself and her family in peril. Especially after she realizes her family has hidden a few truths of their own...Secrets, sleuthing, young romance, and glittering kicklines: Fiona Davis' latest has it all. Theater lovers, or anyone who dreams of a life onstage, will relish this one.” —Sarah Penner, New York Times bestselling author of The Lost Apothecary and The London Séance Society

“Fiona Davis has constructed another entrancing time machine, inviting us inside Radio City Music Hall circa 1956 not only to sit in the audience, but to dance on its fabled stage. Equal parts historical fiction and page-turning thriller, this book is propulsive, immersive, and terrifically suspenseful. Readers will dance and sleuth and fall in love with Marion Brooks, the brave Rockette who defies her father’s wishes to insist on a bigger life. Never has a novel been so aptly titled — The Spectacular is spectacular, a paean to following your dreams.”  —Nina de Gramont,New York Timesbestselling author of The Christie Affair

"The Spectacular has it all—fascinating history, heart-pounding suspense, and unforgettable characters! An electric, page-turning read that illuminates the lesser-known history of one of New York City's most famous landmarks, this is my favorite Fiona Davis book yet!” —Chanel Cleeton, New York Times bestselling author of The Cuban Heiress



