The Wellness Trap: Break Free from Diet Culture, Disinformation, and Dubious Diagnoses and Find Your True Well-Being
健康陷阱: 擺脫飲食文化、虛假信息和可疑的診斷,找到你真正的幸福
☆“對於種族、階級、能力和飲食文化的對話有價值的補充” ―Library Journal
“這不是一種飲食,這是一種生活方式。”你可能從健康領域的許多人那裡聽到過這句話。但是,正如作者Christy Harrison在她的新書中揭示的,健康文化提倡的健康標準往往既遙不可及又極其有害,健康產業只不過是飲食文化的現代偽裝。
《The Wellness Trap》深入研究了傳統醫藥行業持續存在的系統性問題,洞察了該行業令人不安的文化挪用模式及其對心理健康的破壞性觀點,並闡明了對傳統醫藥日益增長的不信任是如何導致普通人背棄科學的。作者將歷史、回憶錄、報導和實用建議結合在一起,闡明了健康文化的危害,同時重新想像了我們的社會與幸福的關係。
"Christy Harrison's wise, calm, and thoughtful voice has helped to guide thousands of people out of diet culture and into a better, more peaceful relationship with food and their bodies. In The Wellness Trap she continues this vital work, raising incisive questions and helping us to unlearn decades of marketing and pseudoscience and reject a definition of "health" that is both dangerous and impossible to sustain. Harrison's work is a gift and I am so grateful to have this on my bookshelf."―Virginia Sole-Smith, author of Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture
“In this remarkable book, Christy Harrison blows the lid off the wellness industry and exposes its flaws, untruths, and toxicity. She shows how closely wellness culture overlaps with diet culture and offers deep compassion for those who are drawn into its myths. Finally, she offers individual strategies and societal approaches for undoing the harms of wellness culture, while guiding the reader to pursue the holistic concept of “well-being”. This book is a life-changer!”―Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, CEDS-S, Co-author of Intuitive Eating
“Wellness seems like a great goal—who doesn’t want to be well, right? But after reading The Wellness Trap, you’ll see how it is used to distort science and make false promises. With nuance and compassion, Christy deconstructs the history of the idea and shows us how to be well, without being manipulated.”―Alan Levinovitz, author of Natural
“If you think that solutions offered in the name of wellness must be good for you, think again! In her compelling book, Harrison reveals the underpinnings of an industry that may not always have your best interests—or your well-being—at heart. Before you start your next diet, supplement, or wellness practice, read this book!”―Judith Matz, LCSW, author of The Diet Survivor's Handbook
“Filled with eye-opening facts, lots of heart, and a strong political consciousness, The Wellness Trap is revelatory and essential reading for anyone who has ever dieted, detoxed, or been drawn to the promise of ‘wellness’ as a way to feel better about themselves and their bodies.”―Savala Nolan, author of Don’t Let It Get You Down
"The Wellness Trap is a book I know I have been waiting for. Deftly weaving together scientific research, cultural analysis, and personal narrative, Christy Harrison bestows upon her readers a text that is informative and empathetic... precisely the approach needed to navigate the complex and expanding world of contemporary wellness culture. Whether you're a wellness diehard—or disdain such individuals—this book is for you."―Natalia Mehlman Petrzela, Historian and author of Fit Nation
“If diets, detoxes, and wellness fads have destroyed your relationship with your body, this book is the inclusive, affirming, and evidence-packed guide to rediscovering what true well-being looks like for you. As eye-opening as it is validating, The Wellness Trap will change the way you think about your health—in all the best ways.”―Casey Gueren, author of It’s Probably Nothing
"[Harrison] mounts a persuasive critique of the multitrillion-dollar wellness industry... A sobering, well-informed analysis of widespread deceit."―Kirkus Reviews
"The historical perspective elevates Harrison’s analysis, and her empathy for those who fall for disinformation yields illuminating insight...This is an ideal companion for those disillusioned by the medical establishment."―Publishers Weekly