The Things We Love: How Our Passions Connect Us and Make Us Who We Are


類別 : 大眾科普
頁數 : 336
出版 : Little, Brown Spark, 2022 年 7 月 19 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mingming / 简体版權已售Mingming



作者於BigSpeak演講(BigSpeak Speakers Bureau)影片 


《THE THINGS WE LOVE: How Our Passions Connect Us and Make Us Who We Are》是一本揭示人們與事物之間的秘密、糾纏的情感關係的科學調查,吸取了心理學、神經科學和市場行銷的尖端發現。 Little, Brown USA將在2022年7月出版此書。它將吸引喜歡 Daniel Pink 的 TO SELL IS HUMAN《未來在等待的銷售人才》《人性就是銷售》,Dan Ariely 的PREDICTABLY IRRATIONAL《怪誕行為學》《誰說人是理性的! 》,Amir Levine 博士和 Rachel Heller 的ATTACHED《依附》書迷,以及其他探索人類行為和心理的奇特、非理性和怪癖的暢銷書迷。


在《THE THINGS WE LOVE》中,Aaron Ahuvia博士揭示了一些來自心理學、神經科學和市場行銷的驚人發現,這些發現證明,當涉及到我們的財產,我們遠沒有我們想像的那麼“理性”。相反,我們與我們所愛的事物有著強烈的關係,而這些關係是由我們生理深處的影響所驅動的。在很多情況下,它們都是我們一生中最豐富的經歷之一。

我們對事物的一些激情是突然的,強迫性的,轉瞬即逝的。有些喜好存在於人生大部分時間裡,並且要求我們完全忠誠(包括動物)。有些喜好則帶來災難: 我們成為囤積者,或者從喜愛變得無比憎恨它們,以至於我們寧願毀掉它們也不願讓他人擁有。隨著科技的進步,我們是否會更容易受到市場行銷和商業操縱的影響,以至於失去自覺選擇事物的能力?我們的生活會不會被我們對事物的情感連繫所支配,以至於我們對他人失去了興趣?在這個充斥著廣告和物質慾望的現代社會,《THE THINGS WE LOVE》中充滿了引人入勝的案例研究、科學研究和重點,對我們如何以及為什麼熱愛事物,以及理解這些關係如何豐富和改善我們的生活提供了一個真正原創和深刻的觀察。




作者Aaron Ahuvia博士是密西根大學Dearborn商學院的行銷學教授,也是在非人際關係喜愛方面發表和引用最多的學術專家。他已經發表了100多篇學術論文和會議報告,他的研究被《時代》、《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》、《Glamour》以及歐洲、日本和其他地方的主要出版刊物所引用。作者並接受如Oprah Winfrey秀等電視談話節目訪問;他曾為Procter & Gamble, Google, Audi, Samsung, General Motors, Microsoft, Ford, Gucci, Versace, La Perla, Zegna and Valentino等品牌做過諮詢。


作為一位引人入勝的演講者的聲譽, 讓他在中國、印度、荷蘭、德國、義大利、法國、瑞士、葡萄牙、丹麥、芬蘭、波蘭、摩洛哥、以色列、約旦、哈薩克、新加坡、斯洛伐克和其他地方成為受歡迎的演講者。


"Love is the one emotion that keeps us hopeful and sane in a world of chaos. Aaron Ahuvia writes beautifully about this wonderful state of being in all of its manifestations. Read and learn how your self-concept is so girded and gifted by your love of things."―Philip Kotler, the father of modern marketing and author of Marketing Management

“The Things We Love is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand what it means to be human in the modern world. Dr. Ahuvia makes a compelling case that who we are has much more to do with what we love than we might expect.”―Francesca Gino, author of Rebel Talent

“We’re all living in a material world. But while we’re surrounded by things, we have a lot less of a sense of how those things make us who we are. In this exciting and engaging read, Dr. Ahuvia synthesizes recent discoveries from psychology, neuroscience, biology, and marketing to help us better understand our things and ourselves.”―Jonah Berger, author of Contagious, Invisible Influence, and The Catalyst

“Ahuvia’s conversational tone makes the bounty of research findings entertaining and easily digestible. This stimulating volume is easy to love.”―Publishers Weekly

"People often spend money on things in pursuit of happiness, which often leaves us unfulfilled. Dr. Ahuvia’s work spans social psychology, neuroscience, business, and technology to help us explore our love of things in order to anchor on purposeful relationships with ourselves and others. A meaningful read."―Jennifer Aaker, General Atlantic Professor, Stanford University, and coauthor of Humor, Seriously and The Dragonfly Effect

“I read this book with great interest and found it extremely well written, entertaining, and well grounded in research. Aaron Ahuvia gives us a fascinating, rich, lively and yet profound insight on how we can fall in love with the world and bring a sense of fulfillment in our life. How the love of nature, among others, can generate a sense of wonderment and respect. As a Buddhist, I was particularly interested in his discussions of how craving for things that we don’t need, which modern marketing makes us desire, often leads to entanglement in further craving and may end up in an environmental disaster.”―Matthieu Ricard, author of Happiness

“Who knew there was so much more to our relationships with things than meets the eye? Dr. Ahuvia brilliantly illuminates the science and psychology that underlies our affection for certain treasured possessions, and in the process, he reveals fascinating insights into what makes each one of us tick.”―Nir Eyal, author of Hooked and Indistractable

“In the modern world, we are renegotiating our relationship with ‘stuff.’ Conversations on the topic have veered toward minimalism, tidiness, and environmental impact. Ahuvia offers a fresh angle by introducing the idea that we love stuff. As much as this is a book about cars, lamps, and photo albums, it is a book about how we fall in love. Drawing on fascinating and seldomly reported research, Ahuvia teaches us not only about our belongings but about ourselves. Speaking of love and stuff, you will love this book!”―Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener, author of The Upside of Your Dark Side

“In this remarkably insightful and well-written book, Aaron Ahuvia deftly weaves cutting-edge research with fascinating anecdotes to explain why we love the things we do and what those preferences say about who we are. In so doing, he expands our understanding of human nature. The Things We Love is a tour de force.”―Ethan Kross, author of Chatter

“As Aaron Ahuvia makes clear, even the most monogamously minded of us are actually engaged in multiple relationships—just not with people. Instead, we extend our human capacity for love to objects, activities, and animals, from our smartphones to our passions to our pets. The Things We Love is a fascinating exploration of what it means to love something—and what our non-human relationships say about us.”―Catherine Price, author of How to Break Up with Your Phone and The Power of Fun


The Things We Love: How Our Passions Connect Us and Make Us Who We Are

