House Love: A Joyful Guide to Cleaning, Organizing, and Loving the Home You're In


類別 : 生活風格
頁數 : 256
出版 : Harvest, 2023 年 12 月 26 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Jessica / 简体博達代理Jessica


HGTV、Discovery+《The Laundry Guy》節目主持人、《Laundry Love: Finding Joy in a Common Chore》作者派屈克.理查森最新作品。


教大家怎麼正確洗衣服的《Laundry Love: Finding Joy in a Common Chore》作者派屈克.理查森,現在要來教大家怎麼快樂的面對家事、打造美好生活環境了!


「洗衣服傳教士」派屈克.理查森(Patric Richardson)可不只愛洗衣服,他對整理家裡環境也很有一手。他的理念很簡單:能幫你關心的人(包括你自己!)打掃整理居家環境是一件特權,而我們有一百萬種讓這些維護居家環境的家事充滿樂趣的方法。






派屈克.理查森(Patric Richardson)出生長大於肯塔基州,是一名時尚與布料的專家,並曾任職於奢侈品百貨公司Neiman Marcus、高檔時裝百貨公司Nordstorm以及其他百貨公司。他還開設教導如何正確洗衣服的工作坊Laundry Camp,並且是Mall of America內高檔服飾店Mona Williams的店主。他與伴侶定居於明尼蘇達州聖保羅市—另一個他鍾愛的城市。

凱琳.米勒(Karin Miller)是得獎作家與編輯。她是《Laundry Love: Finding Joy in a Common Chore》合著者,並為許多全國性、地區性雜誌撰寫文章,也曾撰寫、編纂兩本詩選集《The Cancer Poetry Project 1 & 2》。她現與家人居住在明尼阿波利斯市。


Praise for Laundry Love: Finding Joy in a Common Chore


“I have never thought about a book more than this book...Patric is going to be the Ina Garten of laundry...My towels have never been so fluffy.”  — Good Day L.A.


“This slim volume, its breezy pages of tips and anecdotes, stories and, in the back, recipes, is a lovely salve. One would be very fortunate, I think, to be Richardson’s friend or neighbor, share his optimism and joy in life’s seemingly small things.”  — Washington Post


“A cheery and thorough guide to all things laundry . . . Richardson’s love for doing laundry is so infectious that readers just might find themselves dreading this mundane chore a bit less.”  — Publishers Weekly


“Who would have dreamed a book on laundry could be so entertaining―and educational? . . . Along the way is a narrative enhanced by personal anecdotes as well as helpful tips and lists . . . It’s truth in print that laundry just might become your new best hobby.”  — Booklist


House Love: A Joyful Guide to Cleaning, Organizing, and Loving the Home You're In

