The River We Remember
「能與我們的時代產生共鳴的歷史小說會給我們帶來美好的閱讀體驗,尤其是當它以文學的方式,用豐富、細緻的語言,逼真地描繪地點,深入挖掘人物性格時。William Kent Krueger在他的最新單本小說《我們記憶中的河》(The River We Remember)中恰好做到了這一點。─New York Journal of Books (紐約圖書雜誌)
「William Ken Krueger這部引人入勝的懸疑小說針對二戰後美國的偏見和複雜性進行了精采的深入剖析。」─Bookpage( 星級評論)
「愛倫.坡獎」(Edgar Award)獲獎作者最新作品。
在紀念日當天,明尼蘇達州的珠兒(Jewel)居民聚在一起,紀念和致敬那些因戰爭犧牲性命之人。同一天,阿拉巴斯特河(Alabaster River)上,漂浮一具衣不蔽體的身軀,那是土豪吉米.奎茵(Jimmy Quinn)的屍體,他遭到獵槍射殺。調查這起謀殺案的責任落在布洛迪.德恩(Brody Dern)警長身上。他作為戰爭英雄,從軍的傷疤深深烙印於身心之上。在德恩得到驗屍報告之前,惡毒謠言四起。謠言認為諾亞.布魯史東(Noah Bluestone)就是兇手。他是土生土長的美國人,參與過第二次世界大戰,身經百戰,最近才帶著日本妻子返回珠兒。懷疑和指控甚囂塵上,城鎮搖搖晃晃走在暴力邊緣,德恩不只要找到奎茵死亡的真相,同時也要抵抗內心過去殘留的惡魔。
“[Krueger] is a fine storyteller, but it is his understanding of his characters and his sense of the past that make The River We Remember more than just a story. As novels go, this one is a work of art.”—The Denver Post
“The River We Remember may be [Krueger's] magnum opus…deeply moving…intimate and epic in equal measure.” —Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
“William Kent Krueger’s page-turning, rewarding mystery The River We Remember is a superb exploration of the prejudices and complexities of post-World War II America.” —Bookpage (starred review)
“Absorbing. . . combines nostalgic settings with depictions of the lingering hardships and traumas of war and the home front . . . in the decade after WWII.” —Booklist (starred review)
“Tender, evocative.” —Shelf Awareness
“Krueger’s graceful prose coupled with his ability to delve deep into his characters’ inner lives makes The River We Remember a stand-out in a career of excellent novels…[The novel] ebbs and flows to a stunning ending that also is life affirming. This is a story not easily forgotten.” —Sun Sentinel
“Irresistible…Book clubs, here’s your next pick. Find The River We Remember, take it home and shut the door.” —Macro Eagle
“Historical fiction that resonates with our time makes for a great reading experience—especially when it’s done in the literary style of rich, careful language; realistic evocation of place; and deep exploration into character. William Kent Krueger has delivered just this combination in his latest standalone novel, The River We Remember.” —New York Journal of Books
「愛倫.坡獎」(Edgar Award)獲獎作者最新作品。