
Goodnight, Baby Earth!

類別 : Picture Books
頁數 : 48
出版 : Global Kids Books, 2021 年 3 月 5 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理


Rights Sold: Simplified Chinese


A bedtime picture book for young children. Writing fromthe perspective of children and the guardianship of love, the story is filled with happiness. Using repetition andrhyming sentences, the book reads like a gentle lullaby. Let your child spend their story time with Flying Dragon, Toot toot Bird, Mimi Cat, and Baby Earth, and enter into a sweet dream together.


Size: 21.1 x 26 cm


Jimmy Liao, Taiwan’s most internationally successful author/illustrator, who has been creating picture books for more than 20 years, has started creating for younger children. His books have been translated into nearly two dozen languages.

Goodnight, Baby Earth!


Goodnight, Baby Earth!
