TED Talk超過百萬觀看次數的阿魯亞. 阿瑟提出面對死亡議題的新態度—死亡是所有人的終點,而認真思考死亡議題,將會為我們的生活注入狂野的新潛能。
隨著宗教的影響力在現代社會逐漸式微,越來越多人不知道該如何面對死亡的議題,這樣的趨勢讓國外出現「臨終陪伴者(Death Doula)」這種新職業。 臨終陪伴員除了處理財產、事業、醫療、葬禮等事務,最重要的工作是照顧這些客戶更心靈層面的需求。 而這一行中最出名的便是本書作者—阿魯亞. 亞瑟(Alua Arthur)。
阿魯亞自己對死亡與苦難並不陌生。 阿魯亞的家人在1980年代時從迦納的武力政變中逃出,她在成年後得到嚴重的抑鬱症,而姐夫兼好友則因淋巴瘤去世。 阿魯亞在陪伴姐夫最後的幾個月後,決定踏入臨終陪伴員的行業。 她在陪伴無數即將離世的客戶及其家屬的過程中,發現我們活著時候逃避的遺憾、恐懼、不可告人的秘密、絕望等等人生中痛苦又復雜的那一面,往往會在人生的終點 等著你。 阿魯亞身為臨終陪伴員,幫助這些人化解這樣的難題並找到平靜。
從阿魯亞與客戶的故事中,我們很可能看到自己人生的影子,像是過於專注於事業、後悔為愛情做的決定、得不得的原諒、適應衰老的身體等等,而阿魯亞 將這些故事中的啟發帶入自己的生活中,也希望透過這本書將這些啟發分享給我們,讓我們能從中找到意義。 這本回憶錄中以一種撫慰人心、親暱、熱情但引人深思的語調,提出一種普世價值,讓我們不再懼怕談論死亡,並藉此找到生命中更深一層的意義。

阿魯亞. 亞瑟(Alua Arthur)是現在美國最知名、最活躍的臨終陪伴者。 她是一名康復中的律師,也是臨終陪伴員培訓和臨終規劃組織Going With Grace的創始人。 作為電視和廣播節目的常客,亞瑟曾於美國電視公司CBS的《The Doctors》節目及澳洲演員Chris Hemsworth主持的《Limitless》系列中接受采訪。 她也曾在《Vogue》、《InStyle》、《洛杉磯時報》、《The Cut》、《The New Yorker》和《紐約時報》等平面媒體上亮相,並出席過數十場播客節目。 巴西的《Estadão》和挪威的《Årets Avis》等國際報紙也都曾為亞瑟做過專題報導。 她在Refinery29的訪問影片在也各大社群媒體平台上有千萬觀看次數。 在非疫情時期,她在全國和世界各地為數百到數千名不等的聽眾演講,如醫學和臨終關懷會議、大學、神學院、老年人社區。
"This book is everything I admire about Alua's work. She drapes the reaper in sparkles and sunsets, allowing you to stare down mortality's harshest truths swaddled in safety, joy, and the dignity of unsparing honesty." — Caitlin Doughty, author of Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory
"Briefly Perfectly Human is a beautiful, raw, light-bringing experience. Alua's voice is shimmering, singular, and pulses with humor, vulnerability, insight, and refreshing candor. I am here for every page of this card-on-the-table offering of the authentic heart. Be prepared for it to grab you, hold you tight, and raise the roof on the power of human connection." — Tembi Locke, author of From Scratch: A Memoir of Love, Sicily, and Finding Home
"There are two truths universal to the human experience: one, we're all going to die, and two, if we try to pretend that's not true, we'll never really live. This is what Alua Arthur knows firsthand — and shares with us in a book sizzling with vitality on every page." — Lori Gottlieb, New York Times bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone and co-host of the "Dear Therapists" podcast
"Briefly Perfectly Human is a deeply urgent, divinely-inspired memoir that guides our understanding of death as an inevitable part of this glorious human experience. Alua Arthur's life, myriad personal losses, and death doula care are a gift. Her extraordinary insight into how we can truly live is inspiring. As a physician, I strive for the day when we, as Americans, fully support the health of the living and, when it is time, tend to a peaceful death. Briefly Perfectly Human, so aptly titled, is a positive model of what healthcare could be." — Michele Harper, author of The Beauty in Breaking: A Memoir
"Alua Arthur's work as a death doula has led her to have a truly unique, inspiring perspective on the time we have, what we do with it, and how we let go of this world. Finally she's offering that perspective to the rest of us, in Briefly Perfectly Human. And it's about time. There is no one I'd trust more to guide me through an understanding of death, and how it informs life." — Jodi Picoult, New York Times bestselling author of Mad Honey and The Book of Two Ways
"Alua Arthur is a wild gem and a guiding light who is here to help all of us understand one simple truth — that embracing death actually helps us to live a more meaningful life. Briefly Perfectly Human encompasses laughter and love and all the rich complexities that come with being a person in the world. For anyone who has ever loved, grieved, wondered, and feared, this book will leave you inspired and emboldened." — Claire Bidwell Smith, author of Conscious Grieving
"Thank goodness for Alua Arthur and Briefly Perfectly Human. Her message is kind, simple, urgent and necessary: that the most profound thing any of us can do to prepare for death is to lead a genuine and intentional life. This is our homework, and as Alua shows us by all that she witnesses and shares in these moving and inspiring pages, achieving our best lives is only ever a matter of actually living it — the lives we actually have — with eyes wide open and, if possible, arms outstretched." — BJ Miller, author of A Beginner’s Guide to the End
"Joyful, hilarious, effervescent, brilliant and deeply wise." — Glennon Doyle, on Alua Arthur
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