Narcotopia: In Search of the Asian Drug Cartel That Survived the CIA

毒品帝國: CIA都沒輒的亞洲販毒集團

類別 : 社會科學
頁數 : 384
出版 : PublicAffairs, 2024 年 1 月 30 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體版權已售David / 简体博達代理David


★此書版權已授權日本(Kobunhsa)與義大利(Adelphi Idizioni)


「那些不閱讀此書的人,放棄了了解真相的機會。」—《娥摩拉》(Gomorrah)作者羅貝托·薩維亞諾(Roberto Saviano)






在《毒品帝國》(Narcotopia)中,屢獲殊榮的記者派翠克·溫恩(Patrick Winn)揭露了亞洲頂級販毒組織的真相。這本書的重點是幾位瓦族人物,包括索魯(Saw Lu),一位浸信會教徒,他努力團結和現代化他的族人(在1960年代,他成功地發起運動讓他們停止獵頭),並試圖讓他們戒除販毒。同時,他還充當美國禁毒局的線人。而他的對手是魏學剛(Wei Xuegang),一位神秘的犯罪天才,將聯合瓦邦軍打造成東南亞金三角地區最主要的販毒集團。這個扣人心弦的敘述粉碎了毒品戰爭的神話,並揭示了一個令人不安的事實:瓦族集團的起源與中情局的影子交織在一起。美國禁毒局(DEA)支持索魯,而中央情報局(CIA)卻促進了毒品交易,破壞了索魯的努力。派翠克·溫恩的敘述交替著黑幫故事、間諜驚悚和解放歷史,文字生動有力,時而扣人心弦,時而描繪驚險暴力。展現了毒品交易在東南亞現代化經濟和美國外交政策中理不斷剪還亂的關係。


派翠克·溫恩(Patrick Winn)是一位屢獲殊榮的調查記者,專門報導東南亞地區的叛亂和黑市活動。他涉足遊擊隊和自警團的世界,挖掘那些可能被忽視的故事。溫曾獲得羅伯特·F·甘迺迪新聞獎(也被稱為“窮人的普利策獎”)和美國國家新聞俱樂部獎。此外,他還三次獲得國際特赦組織人權新聞獎,以及其他多個獎項。


"Those who fail to read this forsake their chance to know the truth."
 ―Roberto Saviano, author of Gomorrah


"An outstanding book, packed with history, humor, and adventure. Patrick Winn is the perfect guide to these highland outlaws and their incredible, defiant narco-state. This is the best reportage to come out of Southeast Asia in years."
 ―Graeme Wood, author of The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State


"A riveting portrait of a little-known and often vilified people, a harrowing tale of Asia's epic, multi-billion dollar, drugs trade, and a unique perspective on our world today."
 ―Thant Myint-U, author of The Hidden History of Burma


“Patrick has made a riveting read out of the largely overlooked - but critically important - Wa State... The history behind it, the masterminds pulling the strings, and the many CIA operations against them. It’s a fascinating and incredibly well-researched dive into Asia’s underworld and some of the greatest narcotics traffickers in the region. And above all, it’s beautifully crafted storytelling.”
 ―Isobel Yeung, VICE

"Unputdownable... an authentic page-turner, revealing why the global drug problem remains unsolved."

―Khuensai Jaiyen, ex-secretary to the drug lord Khun Sa


毒品帝國: CIA都沒輒的亞洲販毒集團

Narcotopia: In Search of the Asian Drug Cartel That Survived the CIA

毒品帝國: CIA都沒輒的亞洲販毒集團
