The Cryptopians: Idealism, Greed, Lies, and the Making of the First Big Cryptocurrency Craze
加密貨幣風潮的推手們: 那些不為人知的崇高理想、貪婪與謊言
很多時候David要介紹很high tech的書都會很心虛,因為自己不懂,區塊鏈和加密貨幣肯定屬於這類型的題材。有一次和外國朋友去爬山的時候,朋友提到他用幣託(BitoPro)虛擬貨幣交易平台買進比特幣賺了多少多少錢,還秀給我看那個app。後來David決定註冊一個帳號自己玩看看,後來才發現加密貨幣就像是股票一樣,有各式各樣的投資標的,大家比較常聽到的是比特幣(bitcoin)、以太幣(Ether)與穩定幣泰達幣(Tether),當然還有特斯拉(Tesla)執行長伊隆.馬斯克(Elon Musk)炒作的狗狗幣(Dogecoin)等等。經過了幾個月的嘗試,David小賠了一點點認賠賣出,我覺得股票投資已經夠難了,加密貨幣投資的風險更高,而且蠻有投機性質存在。不同國家也一直推出新的規範想要防止加密貨幣被用來洗錢恐怖主義分子融資等等。
其實很多實體銀行與線上支付業者(如paypal)都陸續在開放讓客戶能透過現有帳戶購買、持有與出售比特幣,而薩爾瓦多更是於今年6月宣布比特幣為法定貨幣。作者在《加密貨幣風潮的推手們: 那些不為人知的崇高理想、貪婪與謊言》(The Cryptopians: Idealism, Greed, Lies, and the Making of the First Big Cryptocurrency Craze)一書中用非常易懂的文字和我們解釋什麼是加密貨幣,比方我們常常透過網路傳照片、PDF,傳送者與接收者都會有那個檔案,但是加密貨幣透過區塊鏈會清楚的讓全世界的人都看的到A把加密貨幣賣給了B,一目瞭然。加密貨幣不會通貨膨漲、不被操控自由流通、跨國交易方便、隱匿性、可分割、交易手續費低,然而加密貨幣不是法定貨幣很容易被拿來當作非法交易,採礦對環境危害很大,因為比特幣礦場所消耗的電力大多來自燃媒發電。
透過勞拉·辛 (Laura Shin) 這本書我們可以回顧加密貨幣的發展史與思考加密貨幣的未來。她花了三年的時間進行了超過兩百多次的採訪蒐集資料,是一本嘔心瀝血的作品,歡迎和David索取書稿。
然而加密貨幣發展的路不是很順遂,直到「第二代區塊鏈平台」以太坊的發明與相關應用讓加密貨幣再次火了起來。以太坊的加密技術讓用戶可以推出自己的數位貨幣,帶出一波加密熱潮。年僅27 歲的以太坊創始人布特林(Vitalik Buterin)身價因為發明以太坊來到了11億美元,而原本以太坊的創始成員之一查爾斯·霍斯金森(Charles Hoskinson)後來推出充滿醜聞與爭議的「妖幣」艾達幣(Cardano)(ADA),另一位以太坊創始人約瑟夫·魯賓(Joseph Lubin)先前任職於高盛,他在比特幣與以太幣的投入讓他成為加密貨幣圈最知名的億萬富翁之一。這每一位加密貨幣史裡的大人物為了他們無限的利益有時會產生衝突刀光劍影。
“Deeply researched, this book is an important body of work and must-read for the inside story of Ethereum, complete with all of its grit and drama.”―Willy Woo, Bitcoin analyst
“The most authoritative account yet of Ethereum. Laura Shin is deeply sourced in the crypto world and this is reflected on every page. The Cryptopians also casts new light on Vitalik Buterin, showing the human side of Ethereum’s founding genius as never before.”―Jeff John Roberts, executive editor of Decrypt and author of Kings of Crypto
“A story of high drama played out in the big stakes world of crypto currencies and cutting-edge technologies with a cast of characters worthy of a thriller novel. Except: this incredible tale is all true and the hero of the story—Ethereum—has gone on to even greater things.”―Raoul Pal, cofounder and CEO of Real Vision
“Shin’s compelling, blow-by-blow account of the remarkable birth and growth of Ethereum shows that its spectacular wealth generation was not without struggle. By Shin’s telling, the story of Ethereum is a grand human drama. For all the talk of decentralized, code-based ‘virtual machines,’ a successful crypto project’s biggest challenge is surviving internecine conflicts and the egos of its brilliant but humanly flawed founders.”―Michael J. Casey, chief content officer at CoinDesk and coauthor of The Age of Cryptocurrency and The Truth Machine
“A financial journalist and podcaster looks into the tangled rise of cryptocurrency. Imagine the internecine politics that Alexander Hamilton had to endure in piecing together a dollar-based treasury. Amplify it with backchannel drama, dark web intrigues, and head-butting mad scientists.”―Kirkus Reviews
![加密貨幣風潮的推手們: 那些不為人知的崇高理想、貪婪與謊言](https://www.bardonchinese.com/booksite/959328/959328967.jpg)