卡拉布里亞 (Calabria),古希臘人在此停留並定居下來,一段關於愛與失去的故事在此上演- 這是始於上個世紀初,一個義大利南部中產階級家庭的故事。透過故事主角瓦倫蒂諾 (Valentino)的視角,帶領讀者歷經彷若一整個世紀的時空旅行。
年輕的瓦倫蒂諾 (Valentino)決定離開家鄉尋求更好的生活,在中年之際回首過去,卻發現家鄉的一切早已不復以往…
在這個律師與公證人才是實際權力中心的小城鎮,會遇到什麼人呢?見過諾泰歐 (Notaio)跟他那來自波蘭的間諜情人瑪格達(Magda)了嗎?聽聽他們在那不勒斯的愛情故事;遇過鎮上第一個藥局的藥劑師、他的妻子莉亞 (Lea)和他們的孩子?跟隨著這些人生命交織過的足跡,來見見小名瑪拉 (Mara),本名塔瑪拉(Tamara),那個嫁入諾泰歐家族的女孩。你一定要認識迷人的喬叔叔 (Zio Giorgio),他可是個闊氣的獨居老人!當然還有喬亞基諾 (Gioacchino),那個駐足在家裡的鬼魂…
“The novel's great theme is the return, the dream of returning, the horror of the return, the substantial impossibility of returning. … Return, in the sense of finding, is also the dream of Valentino-Mario, extreme branch of the great family tree; and he is very lucky to be able to make it happen, even if only thanks to the magic of writing.”
Isabella Bossi Fedrigotti, Corriere della Sera
“The South has been narrated by Italian narrators, from Verga to Alvaro, from Jovine to Sciascia, in many ways but always related to a certain realism. Mario Fortunato tries to move away from it. The narrator's voice telling the stories of Jewish and non-Jewish families across the whole Twentieth century is often ironic, never abrupt, even in the storm of Fascism and the Second World War.”
Renzo Paris, Il Venerdì di Repubblica
"Beautiful, gorgeous, sensual, seductive and magnetic since the cover image, Mario Fortunato's new book is a journey through time, history, space, passions."
Francesco Mannoni, Giornale di Brescia
"Mario Fortunato – writer, literary critic and author of successful novels, including The Innocent Days of War (winner of various awards), defined by Le Monde as the "master of the short story" - has surely written his most beautiful book: Sud is a family saga with all the nuances of love and pain, a tale of life that has a majestic literary step and is the reconstruction of a distant era."
Gabriele Ottaviani, Convenzionali
“[An] archly observed novel…playful, kaleidoscopic…wonderfully eccentric minor characters—chauffeurs, nursemaids, household servants—vie for center stage with the equally eccentric bourgeois clans that employ them…it's ‘like a page out of Proust but without any aristocrats.’” —New York Times Book Review
“[An] exuberant, dizzying family saga…[a] wild ride through twentieth-century Italy, both political and personal.” —Booklist
“A sweeping story of family, community, and country, South is a saga in the truest sense of the word. In lush, enthralling, often funny prose, Fortunato beautifully captures both the great dramas and small poignancies that make up a life.” —Francesca Giacco, author of Six Days in Rome
Praise for Mario Fortunato:
“As I read Fortunato's writing, I have the impression of being faced with that kind of writer, rare in Italian literature, who, despite starting from a poetic state of mind, nevertheless manages to be a storyteller.” —Alberto Moravia
“Mario Fortunato is a natural storyteller.” —Doris Lessing
A New York Times Best Historical Fiction Book of 2023
World English (Other Press)
French (Philippe Rey)