HAVEN: A novel
☆《ROOM房間》暢銷作者Emma Donoghue繼《The Pull of the Stars星空下的隔離病房》之後,讀者期待新作。
☆ 英國編輯Ravi Mirchandani 說: “我們很高興能夠出版Emma Donoghue 的新小說,這個故事將讀者帶入遙遠的過去和當時所知的世界盡頭,然而它深刻的人文議題與我們今天的關係,就像作者前作一樣。我非常期待能夠在我們即將出版的時候與更多的讀者討論這部感人而又發人深省的小說。”
☆“這是一個關於探索和禁閉的生存故事,一部家庭劇,一部歷史小說(背景設定在600年前後的愛爾蘭) ,前提聽起來更像科幻小說。你也可以稱之為父權制、殖民主義和環境破壞的寓言。Haven探究了領導者是如何變成暴政,忠誠變成妄想,宗教變成邪教,熱情變成瘋狂。' ~美國編輯Judy Clain
在公元七世紀的愛爾蘭,一位名叫Artt的學者和僧侶做了一個夢,夢裡告訴他要離開這個罪惡的世界。他帶著兩名僧侶, 年輕的Trian和年老的Cormac, 劃著船沿著Shannon河往下游去尋找一個與世隔絕的地方,在那裡可以找到一個修道院。三個人漂流到大西洋,發現了一個不可思議的陡峭的荒島,島上居住著成千上萬的鳥類,他們宣稱這是上帝的島嶼。在這樣一個地方,生存意味著什麼?
除了數百隻海鳥外,這三個人在陸地上完全是孤獨的。對自然世界的描述,他們烹飪的食物——海雀、海鳥、雞蛋和貝類,都是如此不可思議的描述!在確保自身安全之前,他們必須為上帝建立一個家園。 Cormac沿著蜿蜒的小路扛著易碎的石頭以建造教堂。 Trian以鳥類鄰居的羽毛削出筆,把上帝的話抄寫在羊皮紙的手稿上。但是,儘管Artt確保他們對基督的信仰比以往任何時候都要強大,但是如果沒有可靠的食物、住所和水源,他們的身體很快就會無法負擔。三名僧侶的使命變成了為生存而戰,以及解決惡劣和不尋常的環境,Artt聲稱這是他們的神聖命運。當Cormac發現了Trian 的可怕秘密,加上Artt的狂妄自大,三個人的命運以令人驚訝的方式發展。
“HAVEN. In 7th C, #Ireland, three men set sail to a bird-thick island to find God. #EmmaDonoghue (ROOM) combines pressure-cooker intensity + radical isolation, to stunning effect. What is Divine Grace? Purity of soul? Virtue? Not what they think.” ―@MargaretAtwood
“Told with the clarity of a fable, Haven transports us into territories unknown, where ‘fog makes an island of every man.’ Donoghue’s men of the cloth confront challenges that rattle not only their faith in God, but their faith in each other and in the natural world. This is a patient, thoughtful novel with much to say about spirituality, hope, and human failure, and about the miracle of mercy.”―Esi Edugyan, Giller Prize-winning author of Washington Black
“Haven is a beautiful and timely novel about isolation, passion and the conflict between obedience and self-preservation. The island setting and the characters stayed with me long after I finished reading.”―Sarah Moss, author of Summerwater
"Donoghue's readers and all lovers of thought-provoking literary fiction will be looking for this quietly dramatic tale."―Sara Johnson, Booklist
"Taking one of her regular breaks from contemporary fiction, Donoghue has left behind none of her ability to spin a compelling story and people it with sharp characterizations....Generating narrative tension from a minimum of action, Donoghue brings the monks’ conflicts to a climax when Trian falls ill and a long-kept secret is revealed. Artt’s bigoted response provokes a confrontation that brings the novel to a satisfying conclusion. Reminiscent of Room (2010) in its portrayal of fraught interactions in a confined space, this medieval excursion lacks its bestselling predecessor’s broad appeal, but the author’s more adventurous fans will appreciate her skilled handling of challenging material.
More fine work from the talented Donoghue."―Kirkus Reviews