Forged by Blood: A Novel (The Tainted Blood Duology Book 1)


類別 : 奇幻小說
頁數 : 400
出版 : Harper Voyager, 2023 年 8 月 8 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


「奧科森令人驚嘆的處女作,在奇幻史詩故事中融入了奈及利亞神話元素,來講述一個關於政治陰謀、愛情、失落、背叛和魔法的故事。......奧科森構思並精心 打造出一個清晰細緻,但卻不會讓人應接不暇世界觀。這是一部令人印象深刻、耳目一新的精彩小說,讓讀者對第二卷翹首以盼。」- Publishers Weekly 星級推薦


「《以血脈鍛造》充滿神話和魔法色彩是一部情感強烈又驚心動魄的奇幻小說。奧科森編織了一個關於力量、犧牲和愛的扣人心弦的故事,交織在一個迷人而錯綜複雜的世界中。」 — 暢銷小說《月宮少女星銀》作者陳舒琳


奈及利亞裔美籍新銳奇幻作家埃希格博爾. 奧科森首部作品《以血脈鍛造》,以兩部曲的形式,將奈及利亞神話融入奇幻小說形式,打造出獨特而復雜的世界觀,講述一個年輕女子在暴虐的社會中掙扎求生,並為母親和 族人復仇。


在異族入侵的暴政時代中,非魔法族的Aje族佔據了Dèmi祖先的領地Ife,並屠盡她的族人—皮膚黝黑、能夠使用魔法的Oluso人。 Dèmi只想避開Aje族的注意與屠殺,與懷著許多秘密的母親安安靜靜的生活,學習如何操控與生俱來的駭人血魔法。 但當Dèmi因為錯信一名異族女子與男孩導致母親的死亡時,她原本只想生存的願望被復仇的慾望取代。


九年後,她復仇的機會終於來了,狡猾的政客Ekwenski指派她綁架Aje族的王子Jonas,以藉此在權力的中心取得一席之地,並為僅剩的Oluso人發聲。 在魯莽的好友Colin的幫助下,Dèmi成功的綁架了Aje族的王子,但也發現她與這位異族王子共享著一個致命的秘密,兩人也隨著故事的發展一步步陷入禁忌卻無疑的 吸引力之中。


任務危險重重,Dèmi的魔力也不斷增強,前途未卜的她是否能信任身邊的兩個男人呢? 出自一位充滿熱情的新銳之手,《以血脈鍛造》是一部關於反叛與救贖、種族與階級、愛、信任與背叛的優秀史詩奇幻小說。


埃希格博爾. 奧科森(Ehigbor Okosun)是德州的全職作家,也是德州作家聯盟和童書作家與插畫家協會分會的成員。 她在德州大學取得榮譽課程學位、神經語言學學位和英語學位,並獲得化學和醫學預科證書,最近入圍童書作家與插畫家協會Cynthia Leitich Smith指導獎決賽。


"Okosun’s elaborate worldbuilding is lavishly detailed and meticulously constructed, but it never feels overwhelming. The result is an impressive and refreshingly original page-turner that will leave readers eagerly awaiting the second volume." — Publishers Weekly (starred review)


“Ehigbor Okosun has called on the winds of worldbuilding and the gales of great writing to create a tempest of a novel. Forged by Blood is an enchanting tale of sacrifice and power. Found family, mated love and unexpected twists only add to its depth of heart.”  — Saara El-Arifi, bestselling author of The Final Strife


“Forged by Blood is a searing and thrilling fantasy, steeped in mythology and magic. Ehigbor Okosun weaves a gripping tale of power, sacrifice, and love—entwined in a captivating and intricate world.” — Sue Lynn Tan, bestselling author of Daughter of the Moon Goddess


"Forged by Blood is an intense, spellbinding debut from a vivid new storyteller. Ehigbor Okosun's lyrical prose effortlessly loops readers into a breathtaking adventure that keeps you on your toes and is set in a land as suffused with wonder as it is with heartbreak. Featuring a striking cast of characters with unbeatable chemistry, an inventive magic system, and rich, folkloric worldbuilding, Forged by Blood confronts history and captures the imagination with a gripping tale of tangled love, political intrigue, ancestral pain, and things worth fighting for."
— Thea Guanzon, author of The Hurricane Wars


“Dèmi is powerful, strong, and smart, with a kind heart—just the kind of main character readers will celebrate. While fighting the cruel Eingardians, she is also trying to figure out love and life. Add to that the spot-on world building and political complications and fantasy readers will find something to enjoy in this powerful work.” — Booklist (starred review)


“Forged by Blood is a spellbinding coming-of-age fantasy that's one of my top reads of the year. It delivers everything a riveting fantasy serves best—mythology, magic, and powerful sociopolitical commentary. Dèmi is a character with a fighting spirit and tons of heart that you can't help but root for as she tackles injustices. Forged by Blood is an epic fantasy debut that'll keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.” — N.E. Davenport, author of The Blood Trials


“Forged By Blood is Black Girl Magic at its finest. Okosun offers a million little revolutions tucked into an intimate tale. If you like your fantasy with a dash of Nigerian mythology, look no further. This is a remarkable writer bound to flourish.” — Suyi Davies Okungbowa, author of Son of the Storm


“An enchanting tale with a sharp critique on the brutal aftermath of colonization. Ehigbor Okosun weaved a magical story steeped in Nigerian myths and folklore, with characters of fierce conviction who jumped out of the page. Forged by Blood is an exciting debut filled with visually stunning, cinematic scenes, perilous fights of elemental magic, and a romance that kept me turning pages. This book is perfect for readers who long to be immersed in the mythos of a fresh new fantasy world!” — Gabriela Romero Lacruz, author of The Sun and the Void


"Rich, original world-building, found family, and a fast pace just serve to enhance a gripping story about the pain and conflict of revolution and resistance. Okosun is a writer to watch and I can't wait for the next book!" — Martha Wells, author of The Murderbot Diaries and Witch King


Forged by Blood: A Novel (The Tainted Blood Duology Book 1)

