Warriors, Rebels, and Saints: The Art of Leadership from Machiavelli to Malcolm X


類別 : 社會科學
頁數 : 320
出版 : PublicAffairs, 2023 年 11 月 7 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理David / 简体博達代理David


莫希克·特姆金 (Moshik Temkin)在《從馬基雅維利到麥爾坎的領導藝術》書中提到「最優秀的領袖不僅僅是戰士、叛軍和聖者。他們通常也是偉大的教師。他們不僅僅是做事,而且向人們解釋世界是如何運作的,他們生活的現實是什麼,我們來自哪裡,並說出真相:也就是說,他們教授真實的,而不是虛假的歷史。」(The best leaders are not only warriors, rebels, and saints. They are usually great teachers. They not only do things, but they explain to people how the world works, the reality they are living in, and where we come from, and they speak the truth: that is, they teach real, not fake, history)


莫希克·特姆金從歷史中挑出幾個代表性人物,像是鐵娘子柴契爾夫人(Margaret Thatcher)、金恩博士(Martin Luther King)、麥爾坎(Malcolm X)等知名領導者來討論他們留給世人的影響。




★此書版權已授韓國(Across Publishing)、阿拉伯、阿爾巴尼亞、西班牙與英國




我們生活在一個危機四伏的時期,需要領導者。無論在美國和不同國家,似乎沒資格和不負責任的人被提升到權力中心,強人和獨裁者正在加強對人民的控制,人民正在失去未來會變美好的信心。這個世界是怎麼走到這一步的? 我們如何能導正我們正在前進的方向?


在過去的十年裡,作者莫希克·特姆金 (Moshik Temkin)在哈佛大學及全球各地不斷的拋出問題讓他的學生去思考上面的問題,讓學生探討領導力的本質,莫希克·特姆金也因為“歷史中的領導者和領導力”的課程極受歡迎。現在透過《從馬基雅維利到麥爾坎的領導藝術》這一本書,莫希克·特姆金把他課堂上的內容帶給更多的讀者。





第一章 國王、王子和我們心中的領袖
第二章 危機中我們尋求什麼樣的領袖?
第三章 在權力微薄時如何領導
第四章 如何在暴政下領導
第五章 死亡機器中的領導力
第六章 燈滅時的領導力
第七章 領袖如何識別他們的敵人
第八章 塑造我們世界的領袖——以及我們世界需要的領袖



莫希克·特姆金 (Moshik Temkin) 是清華大學施瓦茨曼學院領導和歷史的特聘訪問教授(Distinguished Visiting Professor of Leadership and History at Schwarzman College),也是哈佛大學貝爾弗科學與國際事務中心的研究員。他在哥倫比亞大學獲得了歷史學博士學位,並曾在哈佛大學、哥倫比亞大學和巴黎高等研究學院教書。他曾作為訪問教授和講師訪問印度、韓國、西班牙、墨西哥、法國和美國。他的文章和散文曾發表在《紐約時報》、《國家》、《民主期刊》、《Aeon》、《新共和》、《沙龍》和《洛杉磯時報》等刊物上。他之前的著作包括《The Sacco-Vanzetti Affair: America on Trial》,曾入圍康迪爾歷史獎決選名單(finalist for the Cundill History Prize)。


Moshik Temkin wrote an essay for Aeon based on WARRIORS, REBELS, AND SAINTS (9781541758476; 11/7/2023).


Common Dreams has run an article from WARRIORS, REBELS, AND SAINTS (9781541758476; 11/7/2023) author Moshik Temkin on lessons from the suffrage movement.


Moshik Temkin discussed WARRIORS, REBELS, AND SAINTS (9781541758476; 11/7/2023) on the podcast Western Civ.


The GoodMenProject has published an article by WARRIORS, REBELS, AND SAINTS (9781541758476; 11/7/2023) author Moshik Temkin on leadership in war. LeadershipNow has also published an article, as well as included it in their new releases list.


Moshik Temkin discussed WARRIORS, REBELS, AND SAINTS (9781541758476; on sale 11/7/2023) with the Democracy Paradox podcast.


Moshik Temkin will be a part of the IVY Thought Leaders series, discussing his book WARRIORS, REBELS, AND SAINTS (9781541758476; on sale 11/07/2023).


"This book is that rare thing among ‘leadership’ titles: a truly original concept...[A]n incredibly well-researched and lively read."―The Financial Times

“A plea for the importance of history in the study of leadership.”―Kirkus

“Moshik Temkin brings together deep historical knowledge, cultural comparison, and sophisticated analysis of what makes leadership, and how individual leaders both reflect their society and shape it in turn. This is a book both empathetic and gripping on a subject of huge importance in our turbulent times.”―Rana Mitter, author of Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-45

“Ranging across the centuries and around the globe, Moshik Temkin engages questions about leadership that could not be more timely.  In exploring how history both produces and constrains leaders, he offers a thoroughly engaging meditation on a compelling array of individuals who shaped the eras in which they lived. The result is a fascinating, illuminating and cautionary meditation on leadership.”―Ellen Fitzpatrick, author of The Highest Glass Ceiling: Women's Quest for the American Presidency

“In this gem of a book, the accomplished historian and teacher Moshik Temkin performs the crucial task of placing the art of leadership in its historical context. The result is a book chockfull of insights, showing how a careful and unsparing study of past leaders—those who had great power and those who didn’t—can help us identify the attributes we need to see in their successors today.”―Fredrik Logevall, Laurence D. Belfer Professor of International Affairs, Harvard University


Warriors, Rebels, and Saints: The Art of Leadership from Machiavelli to Malcolm X

