The Gulag Doctors: Life, Death, and Medicine in Stalin's Labour Camps
「古拉格」是不公正、苦難和大規模死亡的代名詞,它剝削囚犯、摧殘身心,迫使他們在極為惡劣的條件下,得更加努力工作以獲得更好的糧食。自 1930 年到 1953 年,有 1,800 萬人歷經這個煉獄般的勞改營,其中許多囚犯因食物配額不足而疲憊不堪、憔悴、疾病纏身,混亂的衛生環境與政治氛圍,使得人們宛如遭暗夜緊掐生命,造成無數人喪生。
然而,在這看似殘酷不堪的古拉格,竟存在著醫療服務。截至 1939 年,古拉格衛生部門共僱用了 1萬名醫生、護士和護理人員,其中約 40% 是囚犯身分。在嚴苛的條件下,古拉格裡的醫生和護士即使面臨極端的鎮壓、供應短缺和孤立,他們仍然創建了醫院,教導學徒並進行研究,更為囚犯提供食物,治療疾病,讓古拉格裡的醫療照護仍無處不在,並「拯救」了一部分病人。這自相矛盾般的醫療系統,讓人不禁好奇它以怎麼樣的形式存在?誰是整個醫療系統的先鋒?是如何誕生並維運的呢?
牛津大學俄羅斯現代史榮譽教授丹·希利(Dan Healey),帶領我們一探蘇聯期間古拉格救治囚犯的醫務人員的生活。丹·希利教授透過不同的視角與研究取徑,以開創性的視角敘述,在這高壓險峻的勞動改造營管理總局中醫療服務如何開展?醫護人員如何與患者建立獨特的醫病關係?本書以前所未有的看法出發,探究史達林時期勞動營醫務人員經歷,讓我們能從多元的角度揭開其神秘面紗!

丹.希利 (Dan Healey) 是牛津大學俄羅斯現代史榮譽教授。身為俄羅斯和蘇聯性別、性和醫學史學家,他大量發表有關俄羅斯帝國與蘇聯醫學專家之間的權力關係的著作。同時,他大部分研究皆集中在蘇聯和後蘇聯俄羅斯的 LGBTQ+ 歷史,是加拿大和英國歷史學家和斯拉夫主義者,也是俄羅斯同性戀歷史研究的先驅。
“Healey is careful and scrupulous, respectful of and sympathetic to his protagonists while always alert to the possibility of self-misrepresentation.”—Sheila Fitzpatrick, London Review of Books
“The Gulag Doctors is a prodigiously researched and elegantly written study of the practice of medicine in Stalin’s notorious labour camps. This pioneering work allows the reader to peer into this previously secret backstage of the Gulag with all its deadly contradictions.”—Lynne Viola, author of The Unknown Gulag
“With its evocative life-stories of doctors, nurses and medical researchers from across the Soviet Union, this masterfully researched and beautifully written book immerses us in the personal, political and professional dilemmas of patient care and medical ethics within, and beyond, the Gulag.”—Polly Jones, author of Revolution Rekindled
“The Gulag Doctors confronts a central paradox of the Stalinist Gulag: brutal exploitation of prisoners coexisted with a substantial health care apparatus intended to preserve their labour power. Using personal narratives, Healey leads us into the heart of this paradox and paints a profoundly human picture of an inhumane system.”—Alan Barenberg, author Gulag Town, Company Town