“這本聰明睿智的小說像琴酒和通寧酒一樣清冽,令人愉悅,是一部精緻、顛覆性的謀殺懸疑小說。”─── 關凱文(Kevin Kwan),《瘋狂亞洲富豪》作者
《白蓮花大飯店》(The White Lotus) 、《峰迴路轉》(Knives Out)和《瘋狂亞洲富豪》(Crazy Rich Asians)在這本極富娛樂性的處女作中完美結合:這既是一部如阿嘉莎·克莉絲蒂般的傳統精緻密室懸疑小說,又是一部21世紀極具挑釁性的文學偵探小說。
羅·克里希納(Ro Krishna)是印度裔美國人,他在最好的學校接受教育,在倫敦最豪華的俱樂部和壁球場上如魚得水。但在他戲劇性地被迫在神秘的情況下辭去一份備受矚目的工作後,他頓時失去了人生方向。於是他決定去印度喜馬拉雅山腳下的薩姆薩拉(Samsara)療養一番,薩姆薩拉是一個為全球國際精英提供服務的世界級水療中心,在這裡,可以自由探索無數的瑜伽課程、健康護理和冥想課程。在這樣的地方,一個人可以獲得精神上的重生,即使是一個非常富有的人。
"An old-fashioned mystery in the model of Agatha Christie . . . . A frothy, fun, truly escapist read—offering perspective on a certain echelon that feels both hyperbolic and cuttingly real at the same time." — Vogue (Best of the Year So Far)
"Crazy Rich Asians fans will flip for this ironic and delicious debut thriller set among the international jet set at a lush mountain spa in India, where a series of Agatha Christie–style locked-room murders thoroughly disrupts Ro Krishna's much-needed vacation. The fabulous Himalayan venue, perfect puzzle-box plot, charm and intelligence of the protagonist, and a cascade of knowing details about the lives (and jewels) of the ultra-rich make this a world-class escapist read." — Oprah Daily
"A fascinating genre mashup for the discerning—and reflective—mystery reader." — Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
"Glamorous, gripping, absolutely heaps of fun. I loved this." — Lucy Foley, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Guest List and The Paris Apartment
"A stunning, sophisticated, scalpel-sharp murder mystery. Powerful, fun, and hugely rewarding. Immensely impressive." — Chris Whitaker, New York Times bestselling author of We Begin at the End and All the Colors of the Dark
"Unexpected delights await on every page of Ram Murali’s impressive and captivating debut. Crisp as a gin and tonic and delightfully wicked, this smart, smart novel delivers a sophisticated, subversive murder mystery set in the highest stratosphere of the international idle rich. I had to force myself not to binge it in one night so I could savor it like the rare and exquisite meal that it is." — Kevin Kwan, New York Times bestselling author of Crazy Rich Asians
"A warm broth of Golden Age mystery (both Agatha Christie and Richard Osman would be proud), contemporary comedy (think Crazy Rich Asians), and some nameless secret ingredient all Ram Murali's own. Evocative, provocative, and very, very fun." — A.J. Finn
“Twisty and absorbing, Death in the Air is a knockout mystery with a dry, dark humor all its own. It has endless glamor in the old sense of the word: as a sinister enchantment, casting a spell.” — Flynn Berry, New York Times bestselling author of Under the Harrow and Northern Spy
“Murder most rich. International and humorous at just the right times, Death in the Air will set you soaring, drinking, and guessing all the way to the last page.” — Ridley Pearson
"A romp of a whodunit, poking fun at the über wealthy whilst calmly meditating on both the horror of Partition and identity in a globalized world. I rattled through it. Ro is a very charming lead character indeed!" — Charlotte Vassell, author of The Other Half
"Littered with designer jewellery, accessories and activewear, Death in the Air fizzes with ambition, managing to be both showy and subversive, operating as it does around the axis of Partition . . . . Although it carries many of the hallmarks of an Agatha Christie-style murder mystery, what sets Death in the Air apart, leading to its unique conclusion, is its rejection of Western norms of justice and spirituality. The result is a fun, thought-provoking book—a commentary on greed, cultural appropriation and the peculiar malaise of the wealthy—a daring début." — Nii Ayikwei Parkes, author of Azúcar and Tail of the Blue Bird