Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change


類別 : 育兒教養
頁數 : 256
出版 : Harper Wave, 2022 年 5 月 10 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理David / 简体博達代理David


《像母親一樣》作者安吉拉·加爾貝斯(Angela Garbes)的最新力作,反思美國的照護現狀,並探討將母職作為社會變革的途徑。


新冠疫情揭示了一個長期被忽視的真相:母職是人類所從事的少數幾種必要工作之一。隨著對母親和看護的需求日益增加,以及缺乏支持他們的社會安全網,作家安吉拉·加爾貝斯(Angela Garbes)開始思考一個至關重要的問題:在我們目前這個使人孤獨、疲憊和經濟拮据的環境下,我們如何能對美國家庭生活提出更多要求?


在《必要的勞動:母職作為社會變革》(Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change)中,加爾貝斯探討了育兒、看護應得的價值,並提供了一個深具個人色彩且經過嚴謹報導的母職觀。作為第一代菲律賓裔美國人,加爾貝斯分享了她的家庭與看護工作之間複雜的關係,將母職置於全球背景中——這是一個歷史上一直要求有色人種女性承擔的無形經濟引擎。






1. 母職作為生存
2. 母職作為有價值的勞動
3. 母職作為情感勞動
4. 母職作為人類相互依存

5. 母職堅持自我價值 
6. 母職作為鼓勵食慾 
7. 母職邁向運動 
8. 母職為了快樂 
9. 母職作為自然的相互依存


作者安吉拉·加爾貝斯(Angela Garbes)2021年的Ted Talk <職場父母真正需要的東西>( What working parents really need from workplaces)已有兩百七十萬次觀看,在影片中她提到美國是全世界少數工業國家裡不提供有薪事假的國家,安吉拉·加爾貝斯指的並不只有產假,還包括父親也能請照顧小孩的paternity leave、照顧年邁的父母需要的假,作者提到在人生的某個時間,我們都會遇到我們愛的或我們關心的人需要協助,我們應該有權利花時間去照顧他們。此外職場很多僵化的工作時間也讓新手父母很辛苦,很多時候下午五點可能需要去安親班或學校接孩子,若工作常要求開會、加班,沒有任何彈性,這對於新手父母也是很大的打擊。




安吉拉·加爾貝斯(Angela Garbes)是《像母親一樣》(Like a Mother: A Feminist Journey Through the Science and Culture of Pregnancy)一書的作者,該書被NPR評為年度最佳書籍之一,並入圍華盛頓州圖書獎的非小說類決賽。她的作品曾刊登於《紐約時報》、《The Cut》、《紐約雜誌》和《Bon Appétit》,並在NPR的《Fresh Air》節目中介紹。她和家人住在西雅圖。


"I have never felt more held, challenged, and called to action by a book. Angela Garbes seamlessly weaves together memoir, research, and cultural analysis in a way that is expansive and profoundly intimate. She offers a path forward for family life that is simultaneously instinctive, generous, and revolutionary, sounding a note that American society badly needs to hear. I know I will think about this book for the rest of my life--it's that important."
-- Lydia Kiesling, author of The Golden State


"Mothering is an invisible form of labor that is too rarely given its due as skilled, multi-dimensional work. Through historical analysis, personal narrative, and expert storytelling, Garbes illuminates the ways in which this essential work is devalued, under compensated, and inequitably distributed, while also offering a vision for a better future. Essential Labor is a rigorous, heartfelt, and deeply hopeful book." -- Eve Rodsky, New York Times bestselling author of Fair Play and Find Your Unicorn Space


"You might think this is a book for parents. You're wrong. Essential Labor expands our understanding of what "mothering" can and should look like; it's a book for anyone--including and especially people who aren't parents--who wants to imagine what a more equitable and caring community could look like." -- Anne Helen Petersen, author of Out of Office and Can't Even


"Essential Labor is exactly the right book, written by exactly the right author. at exactly the right moment. Garbes's work will help us put ourselves, our families, and our communities back together in a way that is more compassionate, more embodied, and more alive than before."
-- Emily Nagoski, Ph.D., New York Times bestselling author of Come As You Are and Burnout


"A book that feels both sprawling in scope and intimate in execution--what a thrill to follow Angela's mind as she radically reimagines the value assigned to care work." -- Mayukh Sen, author of Taste Makers


"Angela Garbes has given us the definitive explanation for something we all share: the sense that something is not right about our society's treatment of parenting. Essential Labor is a beautifully written, painstakingly researched, and courageously personal book. Garbes reveals the way systems exploit caregiving and shows us how the essential work of mothering can fix not just family life, but society. A timely and unforgettable book." -- Heather McGhee, New York Times bestselling author of The Sum of Us


"In Essential Labor, Angela Garbes defines motherhood as a form of collective labor, contemplating love as a communal act and envisioning a society in which care work is no longer considered separate from or lesser than paid work. This book is a bold and generous offering that brings us closer to a future in which the everyday labor of care is treated to the reverence and value it is truly worth. Everyone should read this book." -- Carvell Wallace, New York Times bestselling co-author of The Sixth Man


"In Essential Labor, Garbes challenges our preconceived notions about the value and visibility of mothering, and indeed, all caregiving work. She asks us to recognize how our personal biases and complicity in larger systems have caused us to so consistently privilege one kind of motherhood (white, thin, heteronormative, wealthy) over all others. And she then blows it all apart, and imagines a far better world, with gorgeous prose and heart-breaking precision." -- Virginia Sole-Smith, author of The Eating Instinct


"Meditation, memoir, and manifesto in one, this book makes a case for the mother in all of us. It's an expansive and intimate testament to how and why we should care for others--and ourselves." -- Ligaya Mishan, New York Times writer and coauthor of Filipinx


"[Angela Garbes reflects] on the power that mothering holds in creating a better world, one which respects care as the critical infrastructure making all institutions possible." -- Booklist


"When it comes out on May 10, this book is going straight to the top of the to-be-read pile" -- Good Housekeeping


"A celebration of caregiving. . . . A sensitive reflection on essential work." -- Kirkus Reviews


Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change

