Survival Is a Promise: The Eternal Life of Audre Lorde
生存是一種承諾: 奧德雷·洛德的不朽一生
★FSG 2024年8月出版,版權已售英國(Allen Lane/Penguin)、巴西(Todavia)
一本大膽而創新的傳記,提供了對奧德雷·洛德(Andre Lorde)生活、工作和對社會的持久影響。
這本由詩人亞歷克西斯·保琳·岡姆斯(Alexis Pauline Gumbs)所寫的非虛構作品,追溯了女性主義詩人奧德雷·洛德(1934–1992)的一生,風格自由奔放,亞歷克西斯·保琳·岡姆斯討論了奧德雷·洛德在哈林的成長,那裡充斥著警察暴力,她在1970年代在約翰·傑伊刑事司法學院教授文學時對這一職業的矛盾感受,以及她的詩歌探索個人與環境之間的關係。亞歷克西斯·保琳·岡姆斯突出了詩人生命中具有影響的人物,探索了奧德雷·洛德青少年時期第一個愛人自殺的記憶如何長期困擾她的創作,並認為心理學家弗朗西斯·克萊頓(Frances Clayton)對詩人的個人生活帶來了穩定的影響。亞歷克西斯·保琳·岡姆斯避開了傳統傳記的束縛和線性結構,用非傳統的手法豐富了敘述模式。比方說書中有一個章節幾乎完全由問題所組成,探討奧德雷·洛德如何理解她年少時閱讀具有種族主義偏見的兒童文學,以及想像在重建人物歷史中不可避免的元素。亞歷克西斯·保琳·岡姆斯是文筆高超的大師,擅長寫出既衝擊人心的句子,比方她書中提到「詩人的生命之廣,與宇宙同樣浩瀚」(The scale of the life of the poet is the scale of the universe),這本書是給智力和靈魂的饗宴。
"[A] scintillating tour de force . . . in a free-ranging style as distinctive as its subject . . . Forgoing the strictures and linearity of traditional biography, Gumbs enlivens her narrative with unconventional flourishes that in lesser hands might feel like a gimmick but here come across as revelation . . . Gumbs is a master stylist with a knack for writing sentences at once direct and expansive (“The scale of the life of the poet is the scale of the universe”). This is a feast for the intellect―and the soul." ―Publishers Weekly (starred review)
"A celebration of a tireless advocate . . . Stars, hurricanes, and even whale songs feature in a narrative notable for lyrical prose and unabashed admiration . . . Gumbs offers thoughtful analyses of Lorde’s poems, as well as the pressures and pleasures of her life: friends and lovers; marriage to a white gay man; motherhood; divorce; and recurring cancer . . . A defiant woman sensitively and incisively portrayed." ―Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
"An award-winning poet, writer, feminist and activist in her own right, Gumbs is among the first researchers to delve into Lorde's manuscript archives. The resulting book highlights the late author's commitment to interrogating what it means to survive on this planet―and how Lorde's radical understanding of ecology can guide us today." ―Erika Taylor, NPR
“Alexis Pauline Gumbs has been a kindred keeper of Audre Lorde’s lesbian-warrior-poet legacy for nearly two decades. This long overdue, and yet right-on-time biography of the Lorde caresses and transgresses the limits of genre, to care for all the women and girls that Audre Lorde ever was or hoped to be. Nobody tends to Black girls’ stories like Alexis P. Gumbs, who takes Black women deadly rigorously seriously. This book is a study in mastery of forms, with the kind of sacred irreverence that makes clear who the real geniuses always were. I read this book and could hear the Lorde saying, ‘and it was good.’” ―Brittney Cooper, author of the New York Times bestseller Eloquent Rage
“Survival is a Promise is a lightning strike of a biography on The Eternal Life of Audre Lorde. It is poetic in form, political in scope, and revelatory in understanding Lorde’s divine relationship to the Earth as an ecological thinker. Alexis Pauline Gumbs has created a community of poetic ancestors including June Jordan, Adrienne Rich, and Fannie Lou Harmer, now eternal sisters with whom she stands alongside in a circle of relationships. Gumbs describes the work of Audre Lorde as ‘a Black archive of buried photosynthesis.’ In her hands, it is pure light in the vitality of the struggle. This singular volume is a ‘force field of love’ full of prophetic dreaming animating not only what is possible but necessary. Power lives in this book. Chapter by stunning chapter, this spiritual biography made me want to be braver in voice and spirit.” ―Terry Tempest Williams, Writer-in-Residence, Harvard Divinity School
“Only Alexis Pauline Gumbs could have written Audre Lorde’s life story in seven dimensions. She is Lorde’s spiritual daughter, and Survival is a Promise is no mere biography―it is a communion, an ancestral divination, a long intimate walk where history, poetry, politics, and wisdom are passed to a new generation.”―Robin D. G. Kelley, author of Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination