The Con Queen of Hollywood: The Hunt for an Evil Genius


類別 : 人文史地
頁數 : 256
出版 : Harper, 2023 年 6 月 6 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


#Apple TV+紀錄片系列 #真實犯罪


  • 「對於近十年來最具創意的犯罪者心靈的描寫,是一讓人瞠目結舌的必讀之作!」─《出版人週刊》星級評論
  • 「屢獲殊榮的調查記者詹森拓展了他的《好萊塢報導者》故事,講述了一個操縱和虐待的騙子冒充好萊塢女性高管,以騙取娛樂業人士數百萬美元。調查的核心是K2 Intelligence員工Nicoletta Kotsianas,她記錄了大多數男性被引誘飛往雅加達從事虛假電影相關工作的案例,結果卻被騙走了他們支付的交通費。Nicoletta Kotsianas發現,策劃者並不像許多人想像的那樣是一個騙子“女王”,而是一個名叫Hargobind Tahilramani (哈爾戈賓德·塔希拉馬尼)的印尼男人。在他於2020年被捕之前,提交人在一家英國酒店找到了他,並與他進行了長時間的面談。這本書巧妙地討論了塔希拉馬尼對他的姐妹和受害者造成的心理創傷,其中一些人失去了畢生積蓄或被引誘進行電話性愛。雖然角色和事件的演員陣容可能令人困惑......」—Library Journal








斯科特.約翰遜 (Scott Johnson)是一位屢獲殊榮的調查記者和外國特派員,也是《華盛頓郵報》推薦書《狼與守望者》(The Wolf and the Watchman)的作者。


“Fascinating . . . . Finding out just how this scheme transpired is the big fun of Mr. Johnson’s book, which folds the official investigation of “The Con Queen of Hollywood” into Mr. Johnson’s own deep reporting for the Hollywood Reporter.” — Wall Street Journal


“If The Con Queen of Hollywood were merely a rip-roaring international caper, it would already be deeply satisfying. But it's so much more than that: a probing of the nature of evil, in its banality and its flamboyance, as well as the moral quandaries of investigative journalism, from one of the best practitioners in the game.” — Julian Sancton, New York Times bestselling author of Madhouse at the End of the Earth


"In a twist-filled new book, writer Scott C Johnson tears back the layers of deception in a story of a scammer who wreaked havoc in the film industry . . . . Riveting." — The Guardian


"Scott C. Johnson’s book is a shape-shifter, morphing from true crime investigation to memoir to travelogue to an examination of mythology and linguistics and journalistic ethics . . . . And despite the thematic depths it mines, it is a rocket of a book that can and should be consumed in a headlong dash for maximum effect.” — Los Angeles Times


"This portrait of one of the most creative criminal minds of the last decade is a jaw-dropping must-read." — Publishers Weekly (starred review)


"Although Johnson’s obsessive investigation results in a penetrating picture of a sad, sick man, it is his portrayals of Harvey’s vulnerable victims that prove more compelling. A grifter exposed in sordid detail." — Kirkus Reviews


“Gripping true-crime.” — Booklist


"A chilling study of deception and evil." — Library Journal


"The Con Queen of Hollywood is a propulsive journalistic chase tale that creates a vertiginous sensation; you feel your feet leaving the ground as you read." — Boston Globe


The Con Queen of Hollywood: The Hunt for an Evil Genius

