The Tiffany Girls: A Novel


類別 : 歷史小說
頁數 : 416
出版 : William Morrow Paperbacks, 2023 年 5 月 9 日
版本 : 平裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Jessica / 简体博達代理Jessica


#女性小說 #歷史小說 #Tiffany彩繪玻璃 #女藝術家 #20世紀初


「《蒂芙尼女孩》是對 20 世紀初藝術界和女性工作條件的一次精彩探索。書中人物眾多,既有歷史人物,也有虛構人物,生動地展現了蒂芙尼玻璃廠高風險的工作環境。…面對個人的挑戰和不斷增加的壓力,讀者會發現自己在悲劇和勝利中為這些女性加油助威。本書研究深入,引人入勝,是世紀之交歷史小說迷的必讀書。」— 暢銷書《The School for German Brides》、《A Bakery in Paris》作者Aimie K. Runyan 




在1899年喧鬧的曼哈頓,Tiffany創辦人的兒子Louis Comfort Tiffany的彩色玻璃花窗舉世聞名,他正準備為隔年盛大舉辦的巴黎世界博覽會推出獨特的展品,而蒂芙尼玻璃公司的女子部門也在加班趕工,只為了讓蒂芙尼先生建立他的玻璃藝術王國。這個女子部門由一群女藝術家組成,她們又被稱為「蒂芙尼女孩」,她們為蒂芙尼設計、打造了許多精緻玻璃工藝品,卻幾乎不為人知。


Emilie Pascal是藝術品偽造者的女兒,她認為自己命中注定成為一名藝術家,但在父親的罪行被揭穿之後,整個巴黎藝術圈對她避之唯恐不及。只想要一個全新開始的她,偽造了一封推薦信,希望去到一個她可以自由生活、完成夢想的地方。


Grace Griffith 是工作室裡最厲害的模仿者,成日在工作室中切割彩繪玻璃,但她的同事們都不知道,她隱藏了性別並以G.L. Griffith的名義創作並出版諷刺漫畫。


Clara Driscoll則是女子部門的經理,管理整個部門的工作進度、預算、人員,但隨著她職業生涯中最重要的一場展覽到來,她底下的女員工不但變得更難管教,她自己也深陷在一種全新的蜻蜓燈具設計中,誰也不知道這個設計將成為蒂芙尼最具代表性的設計,並在1900年的巴黎世界博覽會獲獎,使Clara在1904年成為全世界薪水最高的女性之一。




雪莉.諾貝爾是《紐約時報》和《USA Today》暢銷書作家,著有《Whisper Beach》和《Beach Colors》,另著有《Stargazey Point》、《Breakwater Bay》、《Forever Beach》、《Lighthouse Beach》和四部衍生小說。她曾是一名職業舞蹈家和編舞家,現居住在美國紐澤西州海濱,喜歡發現新海灘,並沉浸在對燈塔和老式旋轉木馬的熱愛中。雪莉是Sisters in Crime、美國推理作家協會和女性小說作家協會的成員。


"The Tiffany Girls is a richly detailed and impeccably researched story of art and friendship. Shelley Noble has crafted an intimate view of the professional and personal lives of the incredible women who brought Tiffany glass to life. A beautiful novel!”  — Chanel Cleeton, New York Times Bestselling author of The Cuban Heiress


A historical fiction of bold new beginnings and the creative courage of three women artists who forged their careers at Tiffany’s glassworks. — Tessa Arlen, USA Today bestselling author of In Royal Service to the Queen


Rich with finely-wrought detail, The Tiffany Girls is the moving, little-known story of the women who worked as artists making glorious glassworks for Tiffany, their struggles, heartaches, and triumphs. Not to be missed!  — Christine Wells, author of One Woman’s War


The Tiffany Girls sparkles with as much light, hope, and wonder as Mr. Tiffany’s stained-glass creations.   — Kaia Alderson, author of SISTERS IN ARMS


Under Noble's deft hand, Grace, Clara, and Emilie come vividly to life in turn of the century New York City in her new novel, THE TIFFANY GIRLS. I couldn’t help but root for the trio of heroines as they strived to become artists in their own right through their work for Louis Comfort Tiffany, renowned master of stained glass. Readers will revel in the fascinating and lavish details, and never look at a Tiffany lamp the same way again. An immersive, wonderful read!  — Heather Webb, USA Today bestselling author of Strangers in the Night


A fascinating look into the art world, and the working conditions of women, at the dawn of the 20th century. A sweeping cast of characters, comprised of both historical figures and fictional ones alike, brings the high-stakes word of the Tiffany Glass Works to life in vivid detail. Through tragedy and triumph, readers will find themselves rooting for these women as they face their personal challenges and the mounting pressure as Tiffany Glass Works prepares for a major display at the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris. Richly researched, and utterly captivating, a must-read for fans of turn-of-the-century historical fiction. — Aimie K. Runyan, bestselling author of The School for German Brides and A Bakery in Paris 


TIFFANY GIRLS is an engaging story filled with unforgettable characters as incandescent as the iconic Tiffany stained-glass designs they helped create. Brimming with passion and reverence for the artistic mastery of the Tiffany style, Shelley Noble’s excellent storytelling presents a portrait of turn-of-the-century New York City and Paris that illustrates the dedication and determination of women to gain recognition for their contributions within the art world and take control of their lives. A must read!   — Monica Chenault Kilgore, Author of Long Gone, Come Home


A fascinating look into the lives of the women employed at the Tiffany Glass Company studio in New York City, as they work toward the final showing of their projects at the exposition in Paris. Noble brings the late 19th century alive in her story of these young women from various walks of life who work and live together as they forge their own artistic paths while supporting each other through the ups and downs. An inspiring friendship tale of talented female artists, and their search for independence in a world that wasn’t too keen on female autonomy — Eliza Knight, USA Today bestselling author of STARRING ADELE ASTAIRE


 "This story is beautifully written, and as rich, colourful, and breathtaking as Tiffany glass” — Lecia Cornwall, Author of That Summer in Berlin  


"Best-selling Noble... transforms the mundane lives of a group of working women into an engrossing and fascinating story that brings the magic of Tiffany Glass to life." — Booklist


"I honestly cannot think of anything the author could have done to improve this novel. Highly recommended." — Historical Novel Society


The Tiffany Girls: A Novel

