A Day for Sandcastles
廣受讚譽的《Over the Shop》的創作者喚起了一個完美的夏日海灘日——以及創造力、合作、靈活性和堅持的主題——在這個陽光溫暖的歡樂故事中。
約拿諾·羅森(JonArno Lawson)是一位為兒童和成人出版了許多好書的作家,麥吉爾大學英文文學學士,為許多工作室供稿兒童詩歌,並因此小有名氣。同時,他也在西蒙斯學院教授兒童文學課程。他憑藉《路邊花》一書,獲得了2016年凱特·格林威獎提名和2015年總督文學獎,此外還有其他22項,《紐約時報》《出版人週刊》《柯克斯評論》都給予了這本書一致好評。
Paneled layouts provide ample opportunity for readers to view each step in the siblings' process, and close-ups of their facial expressions (frustration, disappointment, determination) add nuance to the story. . . . Young readers will also appreciate that these parents, while always within eyesight, mostly leave the kids to their own devices, allowing for a most satisfying beach day for everyone.
—Booklist (starred review)
Gorgeous ink and watercolor illustrations give a constant sense of movement to this wordless picture book. . . an immersive read. The sibs’ emotions—frustrated disappointment to hardened determination to elated triumph—are masterfully conveyed in their body language and dynamic poses. . . an obvious choice in anticipation of a beach visit.
—The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (starred review)
Leng renders the beach in sunny watercolors and delicate, wispy ink lines that capture the movement of dune grass, waves, and sand in the wind. The pacing moves like waves, too, with panoramic double-page spreads alternating with pages of panels that zoom in on the action.
—The Horn Book (starred review)
Lawson and Leng create ample space for the reader to supply the story. . . . A wondrous wordless picture book that will make readers want to grab a sand bucket and head to the beach.
—Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
The team behind Over the Shop offers a wordless story about a long, wonderful day at the seashore. . . Lawson creates a portrait of the best kind of childhood learning curve—slow, cooperative, independent, and made with little more than sand and water.
—Publishers Weekly (starred review)