The Intuitive Way: The Definitive Guide to Increasing Your Awareness


類別 : 自我成長
頁數 : 320
出版 : Atria Books/Beyond Words, 2009 年 9 月 8 日
版本 : 平裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體版權已售Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


#直覺力開發 #潛意識 #自我對話










透過日常生活簡易的練習,不需要魔法,也不用特別工具,只要一支筆,和一點點的Me Time,不用仰賴「天命」,好好和自己對話,生活的方向,時時刻刻都在你手裡。




Now in a new expanded edition, The Intuitive Way: The Definitive Guide To Increasing Your Awareness is a straightforward guide to tapping into one's inner knowledge. In the Information Age, where every avenue is packed with more knowledge than any one human being could possibly learn, being able to stay aligned with one's inner wisdom is more critical than ever to survive amid environmental demands of lightning-fast reaction and judgment. Chapters address how to unlock the secrets of one's subconscious mind, become aware of the invisible, harness the power of dreams and imagination, apply the power of intuition to everyday life, and much more. A valuable and insightful self-help resource, especially for those who put too little faith in their own natural wisdom.
The Midwest Book Review


Don't mistake this book for another general explanation of how intuition can help you in life. This is a hands-on workbook that requires effort and dedication, which will yield tangible results in developing your own intuitive ability. It would be hard to imagine a more thorough, cleanly structured and encouraging book on the subject. Peirce writes with integrity and clarity. She believes in everyone's ability to develop intuition and to bring real value into every aspect of life. She covers all the ways we sabotage ourselves with doubt; how we recognize the "real thing"; and how we use the information we begin to receive. This is an excellent guide for anyone willing to follow through and do the work.
The Bodhi Tree Review of Books, Los Angeles


I'm writing to express my deep appreciation for The Intuitive Way. I found that your book and How to Be, Do, and Have Everything by Lawrence Boldt, are the two essential books to have if one wants to truly make changes in their life. Your book is not only practical and instructive, but spiritually wise as well. I hope that those looking for self-realization will find your book. One quick glance inside should convince anyone of its great worth.
Neil Gilchrist, Vancouver, BC


This book is a step-by-step guide to developing greater sensitivity to the wisdom of the body and the spirit by a popular lecturer, counselor, and trainer whose work was featured in The Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide. The Intuitive Way offers the reader extensive opportunities for experiential exploration. Peirce advises spending an hour a day on the course she outlines and taking at least a week to digest each of the book's ten chapters. In addition to having readers do the many exercises provided, she encourages them to keep a journal (or "intuition diary") during the process and to engage in "direct writing" ("letting a stream of words emerge without censorship") in response to a series of questions at the end of each chapter.


The chapters trace out a natural process of intuition development, which the author has discovered through her own inward journey and her work with numerous clients and students. This progression moves from recognizing the voice of intuition to removing cognitive and emotional impediments to it. The process includes learning to pay more attention to the body and its subtIe signals, acquiring techniques for becoming more receptive, and finding ways to make intuition useful in daily life. This can be accomplished by working more consciously with dreams, improving communication skills, and applying intuitively derived information to decision-making, healing, and creative endeavors.


The author is a sympathetic, encouraging, and knowledgeable guide throughout. She warns of pitfalls ("As you progress through the chapters and ask for more truth, more love, more reality, everything that is not true for you anymore, everything that has outgrown its usefulness, everything that is illusory, will rise from your deep subconscious to the surface of your conscious mind") but keeps the reader focused on the goal-learning to "slow down, be present, and pay attention to the amazingly wise process of your experience," to "develop a positive, life-enhancing attitude," and to "stay in touch with your life purpose and lessons."


Merely to pick this book up and read it cover to cover would be to miss its purpose. It is a workbook, meant to be underlined and written in, dog-eared and bookmarked, and returned to at intervals again and again. Clearly, Peirce has distilled many years of experimentation and insight into these pages, and readers who apply themselves enthusiastically to the journey she lays before them will find themselves deeply enriched by the experience.
Intuition Magazine, by Michael Davis


One thousand thanks for your book! I am a student of Vipassana (insight) meditation and your work has clarified, affirmed, and reinforced my meditation practice. Moreover, The Intuitive Way has advanced my practice to higher levels with uncharacteristic speed.
Michael Sugere


The Intuitive Way: The Definitive Guide to Increasing Your Awareness

