The Patient


類別 : 心理懸疑
頁數 : 224
出版 : William Morrow, 2020 年 7 月 7 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體版權已售Jessica / 简体博達代理Jessica


#心理驚悚 #恐怖懸疑 #醫院 



  • 即將影視化瑞安.雷诺兹(Ryan Reynolds)擔綱製片
  • 《紐約時報》年度最佳驚悚小說
  • 亞馬遜編輯精選——最佳推理、驚悚與懸疑類
  • 《圖書館雜誌》最佳新人小說




「陰險狡詐已經是個用爛了的詞,但是我找不到更好的詞來形容。一看就停不下來,我只花一天就從頭看到尾……我現在腦中還在它裡面的情節。」─《紐約時報》暢銷作家Francis Paul Wilson








賈斯伯.德威特(Jasper DeWitt)曾於Reddit NoSleep發表文章,現為專職作家。雖然筆下故事恐怖嚇人,但他本人十分和善,德威特現居美國洛杉磯,那裡有很多人會聽到他尖叫,但沒有人在乎。個人網站


A Library Journal Winter/Spring Best Debut Novel    


“Delightfully bonkers.”—The New York Times Book Review


“Crisp and creepy debut...the central plot and storytelling are gripping, built on smart psychological parrying and good old-fashioned gross-outs...entertainingly intense. A clever cocktail of psychological thriller and supernatural horror.”  —Kirkus Reviews


"Taut debut...Fans of Alex Michaelides’s The Silent Patient will want to check this one out."  —Publishers Weekly

“DeWitt imbues the narrative with existential horror, and its creeping dread will linger in readers’ minds. Fans of Alex Michaelides’ The Silent Patient (2019) and Zoje Stage’s Baby Teeth (2018) will gobble this one up.”  —Booklist


“A bone chiller.”—Library Journal


“The Patient is a narrative of slowly building horror that will grip the reader with a continuous set of shivers.”—New York Journal of Books


“A stunning debut! DeWitt's The Patient is a thrilling, compulsive page-turner that will appeal to fans of F. Paul Wilson, Sarah Pinborough, and Alex Michaelides.” —Brian Keene, best-selling author and World Horror Grandmaster Award winner


“‘Insidious evil’ is such an overused term, but there is no other way to describe what prowls the hallways of this riveting novella. A compulsive read I devoured in one day. And the ending . . . it still haunts me.” —F. Paul Wilson, New York Times best-selling creator of the Repairman Jack series


“The Patient is a fascinating and frightening read that comes at you like the monster under your bed.” —Reed Farrel Coleman, New York Times bestselling author


The Patient

