2000年秋天的某個星期五夜晚,在柏克萊校園的酒吧裡,珀西·馬克斯(Percy Marks)又在滔滔不絕地談論音樂。點唱機裡正放著霍爾與奧茲(Hall & Oates)的歌曲Sara Smile。毫無音樂才能,卻對音樂有很多見解的珀西,儘管知道這個習慣令人厭煩,仍情不自禁地深度分析這首歌。然而,今晚有些不同。坐在她旁邊的男生、同樣是學生的喬·莫羅(Joe Morrow),是一名歌曲創作者。他可以整夜聽珀西講話。
從布魯克林的酒吧到舊金山的舞池,《Deep Cuts》赤裸裸地展現了才能、執著、歸屬感,和我們渴望被聽見的人性。
每一章篇名即為一首歌,推薦一邊聽歌一邊看文字!附上歌單~ https://open.spotify.com/playlist/06LlT6TbNiVxRnnSrVi74T?si=e82bc073845346b9
“Every writer knows the highest compliment is envy: I wish I’d written that. Holly Brickley’s Deep Cuts is a joy: fizzy, moving, endlessly smart. Brickley doesn’t just write well about music, she anatomizes why and how we love it, and she makes us feel the stakes of that love. So, I wish I’d written that. The other person I’m envious of is you, because you’re about to read this deeply wonderful book for the first time.”—Claire Dederer, national bestselling author of Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma, winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize
“Tender as a ballad and pleasurable as a pop song, Deep Cuts is both a nostalgic romp into the indie sleaze era of the early aughts and a timeless love story of creative collaboration, competition, and ambition.”—Coco Mellors, New York Times bestselling author of Blue Sisters and Cleopatra and Frankenstein
“I absolutely loved Deep Cuts—clever and heart-wrenching and addictive, the kind of novel that grabs you in an instant and takes you reeling through its pages.”—Miranda Cowley Heller, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Paper Palace
“I find it hard to remember the last time I found a novel so relatable and enjoyable. Prepare to fall in love with Percy and Joe this spring.”—Gillian McAllister, New York Times bestselling author of Wrong Place Wrong Time
“Deep Cuts is an incredibly special book, one of the best I’ve read in a very long time. Moving, beautiful, rich with emotion, it’s an epic love story and the story of a woman finding her creative power, all rolled into one. Extraordinary.”—Beth O’Leary, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Flatshare and The Switch
“Clever, nostalgic, and deeply geeky. Deep Cuts is a literary indie-pop classic—brilliantly constructed, with a raw, heartfelt energy, that captures an era. I hadn’t thought of PJ Harvey for years and then suddenly there she was—there is such a range of music, I ended up listening to so many wonderful forgotten tracks while reading this.”—Florence Knapp, author of the forthcoming The Names