Zauberberg 2


類別 : 文學小說
頁數 : 288
出版 : Rowohlt, 2024 年 11 月 28 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理David / 简体不代理






Bestselling author Heinz Strunk is on the verge of publishing his newest novel, and we can hardly wait! 

MAGIC MOUNTAIN 2 is a fresh take on Thomas Mann's literary classic, infused with Strunk’s signature dark humor, sharp realism, and originality – while still delivering moments of lightness and charm. 

A must-read! But why?  

Successful entrepreneur Heidbrink retreats to a luxurious yet troubled clinic in the remote countryside of northern Germany. Surrounded by a strict regimen and eccentric patients, he faces the choice between isolation and connection. As the clinic’s problems escalate and a visit from his past leads to a mysterious accident, the story combines sharp wit with gripping intrigue, keeping you hooked from start to finish.  
A sure hit – see the past sales figures!
•    The Yellow Elephant (2023): 40,000 copies sold!
•    A Summer in Niendorf (2022): 160,000 copies sold! The novel was longlisted for the German Book Prize 2022.
•    It's Always So Lovely With You (2021): 70,000 copies sold! The novel was longlisted for the German Book Prize 2021. English sample translation available for request.
•    The Golden Glove (2016): 245,000 copies sold with rights sold to the Czech Republic (Euromedia) and Finland (Sammakko)! English sample translation available for request.


海因茲·斯特朗克(Heinz Strunk)是一位音樂家、演員和作家,1962年出生於貝芬森。他是喜劇三人組「Studio Braun」的創始成員之一。他的書《肉就是我的菜》(Meat Is My Veg)銷量達到50萬冊,後來被改編為獲獎廣播劇、在漢堡戲劇院上演的輕歌劇以及電影作品。斯特朗克的另一部作品《金手套》(The Golden Glove)曾經連續數月位居暢銷書榜首,並入圍了2016年萊比錫書展獎。同年,他獲得了威廉·拉貝獎(Wilhelm Raabe Prize)。他的作品《和你在一起總是那麼美》(Es ist immer so schön mit dir)和《尼恩多夫的一個夏天》(Ein Sommer in Niendorf)均入圍德國圖書獎。


「我們時代最有趣的作家之一。」——《德國時報》(Die Zeit)

「他的藝術在於真實地描繪最墮落的環境,而不自以為高人一等,也不對其進行諷刺……轉折在於,原本看似社會衰退的故事最終變成了釋放,而不是災難。」——《南德意志報》(Süddeutsche Zeitung)


Zauberberg 2

