Blood Test: A Comedy
#國際筆會/福克納獎(PEN/Faulkner Award)得主 #家庭關係 #溫馨
「巴克斯特(Baxter)的小說笑料百出,許多幽默來源於一些小地方:醫生對布洛克說,『總之,除了你覺得疼痛、呼吸困難、食欲不振、胸部緊繃,感覺快要死了,其他都沒事。』」——Kirkus Review 星級評論
布洛克·霍布森(Brock Hobson)並不介意如他女兒所說「像節拍器一樣可預測」。他在俄亥俄州當保險業務員,在這座「三分之一的人有酗酒問題,另三分之一則沾染毒品」的小鎮中生活。他還擔任主日學老師,晚上則與女友特蕾(Trey)和兩個青少年孩子喬(Joe)和莉娜(Lena)共度時光。(他們的母親雪莉(Cheryl)與她的新伴侶伯特(Burt)同住,伯特是個愚蠢的分包商,布洛克認為他「完美符合混蛋的類型」。)有一天,布洛克因為身體一側疼痛去看醫生,醫生說服他接受一家名叫「基因動力公司」(Generomics)發明的血液檢測。這項檢測「可以預測行為,根據基因結構、心理狀況、過去經歷以及其他因素,對你有所預判」。身為守法公民的布洛克,唯一的壞習慣是糾正他人文法,因此當檢測結果顯示他「即將掀起一場重大犯罪」時,他感到十分震驚。而他很快實現了這項「預言」——當伯特用同性戀歧視字眼羞辱喬時,布洛克與他對峙,結果伯特踩到香蕉皮摔倒,受了重傷住院。而當基因動力公司給了布洛克一把槍後,他逐漸意識到公司其實希望他犯下謀殺:「對他們來說,我開槍殺人是有經濟利益的。」
“[A] quiet masterpiece. . . . The genius of Blood Test is how adroitly Baxter takes the measure of our moment, in all its insanity and perplexing depravity. It is a profound and unsettling—and, yes, frequently funny—snapshot of our current tribulations, cast in relief against the stubborn peculiarities of the American character. Humor is famously subjective but it’s safe to say that, from the start, we’re in practiced and confident hands here.” —The New York Times
“Once you fall under the charm of Brock’s breezy patter, you’re in. . . . the story charges along so boisterously that it’s easy to forget Baxter is batting around some of the weightiest concerns of human experience, from the nature of fate and the boundaries of free will to the power of unconditional love. Fortunately, he remembers the first rule of comic novels: Keep it short. . . . At 77, Baxter is still fearlessly embracing his own zaniness. The narrative voice he creates for Blood Test sounds like an old friend simultaneously touching your heart and pulling your leg." —The Washington Post
"In Blood Test, Baxter invites us to laugh at this all-American zaniness and to acknowledge some of the pain that fuels it." —NPR's Fresh Air
“He’s written something closer to a farce — a story in which every predicament is intentionally absurd [...] After Baxter has laid out the parade of selfish, money-hungry, blindly tech-admiring elements of contemporary life, the black comedy of the words shines through.” —Los Angeles Times
“[Blood Test’s] humor, which is delightful, is wrapped around truths and drama and so, while we laugh, we also feel a shot of anxiety. It is a wonderfully crafted book, more complicated than it first might seem.” —Minnesota Star Tribune
“Blood Test is wonderfully wacky, a hyperbolic yet heartfelt book about modern life in all its absurdity, featuring medical bills, target practice, a pet rat, meatloaf, college applications, walks in the county park, and love of all kinds." —Houston Chronicle
“Riotously funny. . . . At its core, this is a disarmingly sweet novel about family, an entertainment with just the right amount of Midwestern menace." —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
"Blood Test may offer a dark view of aspects of middle America, but it is consistently amusing and is an expression of its author’s deep fascination with and love of flawed, eccentric Americans as well as a celebration of old-fashioned values. . . . Blood Test demonstrates that laughter is still the best medicine." —New York Journal of Books
“Baxter’s sharp observations and ear for dialogue are on full display.” —Publishers Weekly
“Immensely enjoyable. . . . A deeply funny, profound, and timely comedy about the contemporary overreliance on data to predict everything and anything, Baxter’s latest is another excellent tale to add to his much admired and enjoyed body of work.” —Booklist
"Sandwiched between hilarious scenes is Brock’s love for his family and his display of sympathy for his ex-wife and her ne’er-do-well boyfriend. The coda is inventive just like the countless laugh-out-loud moments in this imaginative book." —Minnesota Monthly
“[A] disarming tale of love, family, and the things that give our lives meaning.” —Shelf Awareness
“In Blood Test Baxter has crafted a testament to his enduring literary talent as well as a remarkably relevant work that speaks to the lives led by normal people these days, a book that blends humor with profound social commentary, offering a severe yet thoroughly entertaining exploration of contemporary American life. It is a necessary novel for right now.” —The Spectator
“Blood Test is a funny, morally luminous, altogether irresistible caper that somehow, wonderfully, calls to mind both Nietzsche and Charles Portis. What a maestro Charles Baxter is.” —Joseph O'Neill, author of Godwin