The World According to Joan Didion


類別 : 傳記回憶錄
頁數 : 256
出版 : HarperOne, 2023 年 9 月 26 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Jessica / 简体博達代理Jessica


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- 亞馬遜最佳傳記回憶錄編輯選書


「向瓊.蒂蒂安(Joan Didion)的完美致敬:免於陳腔濫調,並且以驅使蒂蒂安最佳作品的特質,即兇猛、智識上的開放、無暇的語言、衝動,了解他人的夢想,靠近這位偉大作家」——許華 (Hua Hsu),普立茲得獎作品《保持真誠》(Stay True)作者


「由智性上的嚴謹和文藝上的天賦所形塑...麥克唐納的描繪生動、流暢、敏銳且清晰。」——《書單》星級評論 (Booklist, starred review) 









集廣受好評的記者、散文家、評論人、女性主義者、土生土長加州人、頻繁講授蒂蒂安作品的大學教授於一身的艾芙琳.麥克唐納(Evelyn McDonnell),以獨具慧眼的方式為今日的讀者詮釋蒂蒂安的眼界。蒂蒂安已出版和未出版書上的文字所帶來的啟發,以及蒂蒂安的舊識和受蒂蒂安影響的人的分享,促成了《瓊.蒂蒂安眼中的世界》。這本書是一趟穿越蒂蒂安生命的詩情畫意旅程,跟隨著她從沙加緬度、葡萄牙灣地區、洛杉磯、馬里布開始,再到曼哈頓、邁阿密、夏威夷一路開闢出來的道路。麥克唐納揭示了蒂蒂安眼中的世界,並將每個章節的重點,包含:〈蛇〉(Snake)、〈打字機〉(Typewriter)、〈飯店〉(Hotel)、〈筆記本〉(Notebook)、〈女孩〉(Girl)等章節,放在蒂蒂安作品中獨特的具體母題。






艾芙琳.麥克唐納(Evelyn McDonnell)曾著和編有八本書:《搖滾女子:從貝西到碧昂絲》(Women Who Rock: Bessie to Beyonce)、《女子偶像團體變成暴女龐克團和噪音皇后:逃跑樂團的真實故事》(Girl Groups to Riot Grrrl and Queens of Noise: the Real Story of the Runaways)。她是《邁阿密先鋒報》(Miami Herald)的大眾文化專欄作家和《村聲》(Village Voice)的資深編輯。她的作品刊登於選集和報刊上,包括:《紐約時報》(New York Times)、《衛報》(The Guardian)、《洛杉磯時報》(Los Angeles Times)、《女士雜誌》(Ms.)和《告示牌》(Billboard)。她目前任教於羅耀拉瑪麗蒙特大學( Loyola Marymount University)教授新聞學,並居於加州聖佩德羅(San Pedro, California)。


“Intrepid journalist, novelist, essayist, and memoirist Joan Didion inspires passionate admiration….Shaped by intellectual rigor and artistic grace in chapters coalescing around totem objects that figured prominently in Didion’s life and imagination … McDonnell’s portrait is vibrant, fluent, sensitive, and clarifying.”
— Booklist (starred review)


“For the Joan Didion fan in your life, this is a must…it’s also just a wonderful appreciation for any literary-minded person, and certainly a fine introduction to the work and life of one of the most celebrated writers of the past 60 years. Smart and concise, it's a welcome and clarifying look at a hugely influential figure.” — Esquire, "The 30 Best Books for Holiday Gifting" Roundup


"Evelyn McDonnell has written a wonderfully fitting tribute to Joan Didion: one that avoids simple platitudes, approaching the great writer with a fierce, probing intelligence, flawless language, and the impulse, which drove Didion's finest work, to understand the dreams of another." — Hua Hsu, Pulitzer-winning author of Stay True


“McDonnell, a writer and journalism professor at Loyola Marymount University, wisely stays away from traditional biography. Instead, she sets out to create ‘more of a notebook’ about Didion, to capture ‘what it was for her to be her, at different places and different times.’ Illustrations by the Brooklyn artist Anne Muntges enhance the tender, diary-like feel.” — Wall Street Journal


“McDonnell offers a thoughtful assessment of Didion’s importance but doesn’t shy away from Didion’s flaws. . . . An appreciative portrait of an iconic author.” — Kirkus Reviews


“Joan Didion fans will delight in Evelyn McDonnell’s intimate portrait of the author and her work …McDonnell is a smart, concessive writer, not only praising the obviously talented Didion but ruminating on her shortcomings. … a thoughtful read.” 
— Montecito Journal


“McDonnell’s deep knowledge and expertise shines brightly in THE WORLD ACCORDING TO JOAN DIDION, a heartfelt guide to Didion’s wide library of work that will not only serve newcomers looking to dive in, but also change the long-standing perceptions of the many who’ve read Didion’s classics numerous times.” — Alex Segura, bestselling author of Secret Identity


"A brilliant, visceral interpretation of "the queen of California Noir." — Allison Wolfe, of Bratmobile and cofounder of the Riot Grrrl Movement


"McDonnell skillfully offers all the lessons she’s learned from years of reading, considering, and teaching Didion. ... piercing and poignant. — California Review of Books


The World According to Joan Didion

