You Can Never Die: A Graphic Memoir
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——來自《紐約客》封面藝術家、國際知名漫畫家、《紐約時報》暢銷作家哈利·布利斯(Harry Bliss)的一部深刻而風趣的圖像回憶錄,記錄他對人生的感悟,以及與摯愛愛犬佩妮(Penny)之間的深厚情誼。
《親愛的狗狗妳千萬不可以死》 以幽默且直擊人心的筆觸,呈現了一個男人如何試圖理解這個既美麗又殘酷的世界。本書獨具特色,以犀利風趣的故事,結合數百幅精美漫畫及從未公開過的手稿,為讀者帶來一場視覺與情感的雙重盛宴。
“A deeply moving memoir by a gifted artist. It's one thing to write a memoir when you're thirty. It's another thing to write a memoir when you've actually experienced serious loss, achieved at least some of your dreams, and when the end of life becomes less of an abstraction. A terrific book.”
―Roz Chast
“Somehow, looking into the eyes of an animal that you have shared a life with is even more profound than with a human, because with animals, we don't have words, we can only use our eyes. It's all there. The trust, love, fear, wonder and release. Just like this book.”
―Jamie Lee Curtis
"A wonderful and moving story brilliantly told."
―Patricia Cornwell
“A moving, heartbreaking look at a 17-year relationship between a man and his dog. This New Yorker cartoonist breathes new life into the dog love story canon.”
―Julie Klam, author of You Had Me at Woof