We Are the Middle of Forever: Indigenous Voices from Turtle Island on the Changing Earth


類別 : 社會科學
頁數 : 368
出版 : The New Press, 2022 年 4 月 12 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


「令人耳目一新的獨特,集結了不可思議、至為重要的原民智慧。」— Kirkus 星級評論


  • 因應氣候危機、面對地球未來的靈性智慧
  • 與美國原住民深具力量的親密對話




Dahr Jamail(達爾·賈默)是知名作家、獨立記者,過去曾報導伊拉克戰爭、退伍軍人對美國外交政策的抵制,現在專注於人為氣候破壞和環境問題,他目前擔任Truthout.org的專題作家。他的報導和作品廣受好評,被翻為多國語言,並獲多項獎項肯定,包括 2008 年 瑪莎·蓋爾霍恩新聞獎、蘭南基金會寫作駐留獎學金、詹姆斯·阿倫森社會正義新聞獎、卡拉威公民勇氣獎等。因他開創性的深入報導,揭露了環境危害和軍國主義,獲2018年Izzy 獎。他著有《冰的終結》,被史密森尼雜誌肯定為2019 年10 部最佳科學書籍之一,並入圍2020 年 PEN/EO 威爾遜文學科學寫作獎。他住在華盛頓州。

Stan Rushworth(史丹·拉斯沃斯),成長於內華達山脈腳下,擁有切羅基、英國和愛爾蘭血統,是加州阿普托斯的卡布里洛學院美國原住民文學的名譽講師,關注於美洲原住民文學、原住民問題,為其提供支持。他著有《向水:初雨之旅》和《流散的孩子》,提供啟發人們靈感的原住民願景。他住在北加州。


“A refreshingly unique and incredibly informative collection of vital Indigenous wisdom.”
—Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“Insights like these, and dozens more, deserve deep attention and will hopefully spur readers into action to save the planet and themselves.”
—Booklist (starred review)

“We Are the Middle of Forever does something incredible with time: it covers millennia of Indigenous history, grounded in conversations across the arc of the pandemic, all while giving the broadest platform for intellectuals whose visionary work today makes them ambassadors from the future. This is a book whose reading is medicine, a beautiful invitation to a more sacred world in the company of some of the brightest stars of contemporary Indigenous activism.”
—Raj Patel, co-author (with Rupa Marya) of Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice

“A timely and necessary volume that includes the perspectives and honesty of seasoned thinkers and powerful new voices. We Are the Middle of Forever is, at its core, a call to stop, listen closely, and think and act with humility when it comes to identifying and applying Native-sourced wisdom and solutions to the problems facing humanity.”
—Tsim D. Schneider, citizen of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, assistant professor of anthropology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and author of The Archaeology of Refuge and Recourse

“Twenty heartfelt Indigenous reflections invite us to contemplate relationships and reciprocity, kinship and connection, responsibilities, and obligations. They encourage us to challenge our own colonial assumptions in the hopes that we can ‘find the tools we need to fix what we’ve broken’ while we still can.”
—Martin Rizzo-Martinez, author of We Are Not Animals: Indigenous Politics of Survival, Rebellion, and Reconstitution in Nineteenth-Century California

“These testimonies are exact, explicit, essential, clearly from the heart, articulate in their ways. When we finish reading and incorporating each word, we will know how to live. The path we are each called to walk will be clear.”
—Deena Metzger, author of A Rain of Night Birds

“This book proves what many already know to be true, but which many more need to hear: Indigenous people are the heroes of the climate justice movement. The contributors to We Are the Middle of Forever ask us to join them in a march towards a future that has been prophesized—a glittering future of abundance, cooperation, and peace. Whether or not we follow their vision will determine the fate of all.”
—Melanie Yazzie, co-author of The Red Deal: Indigenous Action to Save Our Earth


We Are the Middle of Forever: Indigenous Voices from Turtle Island on the Changing Earth

