To Each This World


類別 : 科幻小說
頁數 : 480
出版 : DAW, 2022 年 11 月 15 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


★    來自加拿大極光獎知名作家全新科幻小說,講述了三個勇敢的人類陷入跨越時空的衝突。




★    澤奈達作品好評:

「無論你是笑、哭還是想著『哎呀這可能會發生』,我敢打賭你會喜歡這次旅行,並且將會從朱利·E·澤奈達那裡得到更多。」——SF Reader


「朱利·E·澤奈達是 21 世紀領銜的科幻作家之一。作為一名生物學家,她為她的小說中外星生物學的廣泛可能性帶來了獨特的眼光,結果帶來了所有現代科幻小說中最快樂的外星人角色。」 ——黑門(Black Gate)


「《搜索圖片》有我最喜歡的設定之一(一個包羅萬象的外星人圖書館),還有大量有趣的外星人。澤奈達的世界建築和對生物細節的關注令人驚嘆,以及我總是期待在她的書中看到的東西。」——The Obsessive Bookseller


Julie E. Czerneda(朱利·E·澤奈達)是加拿大科幻和奇幻小說作家,作品不僅暢銷,也獲得了許多讚譽和獎項。她撰寫了23 部由 DAW Books 出版的小說(持續增加中)及眾多短篇小說,包括《氏族編年史》、《物種命令》三部曲等系列作品,其中作品曾入圍約翰·W·坎貝爾獎和菲利普·K·迪克獎,四部小說贏得極光獎最佳小說獎得主;她還編輯了幾本選集。她也是一位生物學家,她編輯並撰寫了許多關於職業指導和科學教學的教育書籍。她於 2022 年入選加拿大科幻小說和奇幻名人堂。當不寫作或參加會議時,朱利和她的攝影師丈夫會划行獨木舟,消失在他們位於安大略省中部家園周圍的壯麗荒野中。


Praise for the fiction of Julie E. Czerneda

“The search for the 21st-century’s Larry Niven is now officially over. Julie E. Czerneda gives us a galaxy-spanning vision of credible aliens and high-stakes conflict. A wonderful book.” —Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo Award-winning author of Hominids

“To Each This World has everything—compelling worlds, rich history, vivid characters, and more. With a slew of powerhouse novels under her belt, this is Czerneda at her best.” —Brandon Crilly, author of Catalyst

“Czerneda serves up the real stuff—a suspensefully original, sci-tech tale of alien contact, as interstellar humanity seeks a perilous path out of a lethal trap.” —David Brin, author of Earth and Kiln People

“A tale of a fascinating future that’s gripping from the start...between sundered human societies and truly compelling aliens, Czerneda makes first contact fresh again!” —Derek Künsken, author of The House of Styx

“A grand high concept science fiction epic in the classic tradition.” —Eric Choi, Aurora Award-winning author of Just Like Being There

“Julie E. Czerneda has done it again! Aliens, interstellar travel, and deeply rich worlds, To Each This World weaves a tale that is compelling from the first page until the last. This novel is a must read.” —Gerald Brandt, author of the Quantum Empirica

“A startling message from beyond the stars and the diplomat tasked with finding the source. A pilot with an agenda of her own. Fully-realized alien races and a ship that's part habitat/part archeological dig. To Each This World offers all that and more besides, including the rich interpersonal relationships and biological extrapolations that Czerneda is known for.” —Kristine Smith, author of the Jani Kilian series

"Julie Czerneda's novels ignite my sense of wonder, from the amazing worlds she creates, to the fully realized aliens and likeable characters. I eagerly await her next." —Kristen Britain, New York Times-bestselling author of Green Rider

"Search Image is the guaranteed most delightful and fun SF read of the year." —Marie Bilodeau, author of the Aurora-nominated Destiny series

"As always, there are plenty of oddball alien hijinks, misunderstandings, and intrigues, all illustrating how badly the library is needed while providing excellent entertainment." —Locus

"Czerneda also continues her tradition of having richly developed, believable characters, which makes her stories a joy to read." —SF Site

"Whether you laugh, cry or think, “Gee. That could happen”, my bet is that you will have enjoyed the trip and will be looking for more from Julie E. Czerneda." —SF Reader

"Julie E. Czerneda is one of the leading SF writers of the 21st Century. A biologist by trade, she’s brought a unique appreciation for the far-ranging possibilities of extraterrestrial biology to her fiction, and the result has been some of the most joyously alien characters in all of modern SF." —Black Gate

"Search Image had one of my favorite settings so far (an all-inclusive alien library), and an abundance of interesting aliens. Czerneda’s worldbuilding and attention to biological detail is amazing, and something I always look forward to in her books." —The Obsessive Bookseller

"Once I started reading Search Image I could not put it down. I laughed, I cried; I’ll be honest, I hugged and smelled it quite a few times. I couldn’t help myself. I was so happy to have it in my hands." —BookGirl's BookNook

"This new fantasy is wildly imaginative and suspenseful.... A remarkable alien makes this new addition in the Web Shifter’s series one to enjoy." —Bookaholic Romance Book Club


To Each This World

