**改編自《奇聞趣事女孩》的電視劇已開拍!由卡蜜拉·莫羅妮(Camila Morrone)與威廉·達佛(Willem Dafoe)主演, 派翠西亞·艾奎特(Patricia Arquette)執導。
最後一杯酒早已飲盡,最後一發子彈也已發射,許久之後,謝麗爾·德拉·皮特拉的小說處女作,仍然縈繞心頭。這部小說以謝麗爾擔任亨特·S·湯普森助理的經驗為藍本,描寫一位既是天使又是魔鬼的老闆兼精神導師,年輕的女主角遭到他周圍的一片混亂所考驗,精彩絕倫,令人欲罷不能、思緒飛揚、捧腹大笑;這是關於寫作、左輪手槍、迷幻藥以及浴缸的優缺點,看是能讓你溺斃還是上天堂。《奇聞趣事女孩》是你不會想錯過的書。——派珀·克爾曼,《勁爆女子監獄》作者(Orange Is the New Black)
沃克·里德(Walker Reade),新新聞學先驅者,暴躁的偽善揭穿者,美式天真的一擊斃命者。知道他的可能也很怕他。二十年來,有抱負的記者、靠他的雜誌編輯、毒品販子、前政客和急著想為自己增加前衛分數的演員,往來不絕於里德這所散發刺鼻硫磺和大麻味的白楊小院裡。
艾莉·盧梭(Alley Russo)剛從大學畢業,急著想打入嚴酷的紐約出版界,但就像許多前人一樣,她沒有門道,只能一邊做著無薪的雜誌社實習生,一邊在布利克街當酒保來糊口。此時她聽說大名鼎鼎的沃克·里德正在找一名助理來頂替前面八個最近辭職的助理。一心渴望能把手稿放到某個資深編輯桌上的艾莉,跳進了這個幫里德完成最新小說的機會。
“Gonzo Girl is a thrilling fictionalized (just barely) account of working with a true genius—until the celebrity-filled, drug-fueled partying becomes too much.” ― Entertainment Weekly (Must List selection)
“A margarita-fueled, miniskirt-clad cautionary tale of lost literary innocence.” ― Vogue
"Gonzo Girl is good, fast fun, like a thrill ride in a red convertible. A 1973 Chevy Caprice Classic, to be exact. You know the one." ― Newsday
“Full throttle from page one, this bildungsroman is a unique and mesmerizing tale about a young woman who must test her own limits and find her own voice to actualize a certain version of the American dream.” ― Elle.com
"Gonzo Girl shares an LSD-like flashback of the margarita-infused chaos of working with an unpredictable literary genius—without the hangover." ― Self.com
“A lighthearted page turner that has the reader constantly trying to differentiate between fact and fiction . . . Gonzo Girl offers a glimpse into the wonderful and weird world of Thompson—or something like it.” ― The A. V. Club
"Fascinating." ― Kirkus Reviews
“Pietra blends amusing imagery, outrageous pranks, and snappy dialog into a lively read. . . . For readers curious about Thompson’s lifestyle and fans of eccentric characters and meandering journeys featuring copious amounts of illegal substances.” ― Library Journal
"While the novel dishes out plenty of illicit good times, Della Pietra also manages to bring moments of poignancy to the narrative. . . . Della Pietra ultimately steers her story to a believable, satisfying, and moving conclusion." ― Publishers Weekly
“Long after the last drink is poured and the final gunshot fired, Cheryl Della Pietra’s novel inspired by her time as Hunter S. Thompson’s assistant will linger in your mind. This debut novel is raucous, page-turning, head-spinning, and side-splitting as it depicts a boss and mentor who is both devil and angel, and a young heroine who finds herself tested in the chaos that surrounds him. An intense story, Della Pietra’s tale about writing, firearms, psychotropics, and the pros and cons of hot tubs will suck you in and take you on ride. Gonzo Girl is a ticket you want to buy.” -- Piper Kerman, author of Orange Is the New Black
“Gonzo Girl is as rambunctiously entertaining as the badly behaved famous journalist who inspired the creation of Walker Reade. Cheryl Della Pietra writes with wit and an eye for the bizarre detail worthy of her former employer, and her debut novel spins, at a cocaine-fueled pace, a moving and insightful coming-of-literary-age story.” -- Teddy Wayne, author of The Love Song of Jonny Valentine