Chrysalis: A Thriller (Jeremy Logan Series Book 6)

類別 : 驚悚懸疑
頁數 : 336
出版 : Doubleday, 2022 年 7 月 12 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理David / 简体博達代理David


★來自紐約時報第一名暢銷書作家林肯.柴爾德的轟動驚悚小說新作, 《傑瑞米·羅根》系列第六部—《蛹 Chrysalis》。


本書以一家領銜的科技公司 —蛹 Chrysalis — 為中心,當他們研發的開創性虛擬現實技術正在重新定義人們的生活方式,這個技術也可能給世界帶來災難性的危險. . . . . .


如同世界上千百萬的人們一樣,傑瑞米·羅根(著名的神秘學家,或無法解釋的事情的調查員)日漸依賴這些用令人難以置信的新科技打造的電子設備。這款小型光學設備由全球價值數十億美元的科技公司 Chrysalis (蛹)製造,是史上第一個以大規模利用虛擬現實連接人們的驚人產品。


然而,當傑瑞米被 Chrysalis公司邀請去調查他們大規模推出的新產品中一個令人不安的異常情況時,傑瑞米先是為這家龐大公司的真實規模感到震驚,而後很快意識到 Chrysalis 的技術中的某些性質有非常大的問題、並且可能是毀滅性的錯誤。問題是,這危險來自什麼?又來自哪裡?




林肯.柴爾德(Lincoln Child)是紐約時報暢銷書《滿狼月》、《被遺忘的房間》 、《第三道門》 、 《終極冰點》 、 《深風暴》、《死亡競賽》和《致命速度》等暢銷書作者,並與道格拉斯·普雷斯頓 (Douglas Preston) 合著了包含「超自然謎殺」系列三部曲:《硫磺之火》、《死亡之舞》和《死者之書》等眾多《紐約時報》暢銷書。林肯·柴爾德是恐怖小說編輯出身,擅長營造驚悚氣氛,外加自學程式設計,也對先進科技瞭若指掌。他與博物館員道格拉斯.普萊斯頓(Douglas Preston)搭檔寫作十多年,完成十餘部長篇小說,每本皆是暢銷排行榜常勝軍,作品全球銷量超過一千萬冊。 





“As Child masterfully ratchets up the tension, he makes even secondary figures feel real enough for readers to worry about their survival prospects. Michael Crichton fans will find a lot to like.”—Publishers Weekly

“…It’s what happens along the way that makes the [book] so enjoyable: the false leads, blind alleys, and bad assumptions; the slow accumulation of facts that points to a solution that cannot possibly be
true—except that it must be. An intriguing, suspenseful, and very satisfying thriller.”—Booklist

“Logan’s fans won’t be disappointed—and it’s an enjoyable stand-alone thriller, so it’s not necessary to read the series in order. Plenty of imagination, with a peek at plausible near-future technology.”—Kirkus Reviews

“Fans of this series will enjoy the extended romp with Logan and his demands for revelation; newcomers can relax into Lincoln Child’s lively narrative and marvel at how a little stretch of current technology can create a scary world of possibilities.”—New York Journal of Books

“Chrysalis combines the high-tech jargon of Michael Crichton with the storytelling chops of James Rollins, a book destined to be hailed as this generation’s Jurassic Park and just as far ahead of its time.”—Book Trib

“...A truly interesting read. The virtual reality scenes are something else and reminded me at times of some moments in the film Ant-Man. Is there no problem that Jeremy Logan can't handle?”—Bookreporter

“Fast-moving, fiercely engaging, set largely within an extremely intriguing super-high-tech company...”—Shawangunk Journal


Chrysalis: A Thriller (Jeremy Logan Series Book 6)
