HBO已經買下此書影視版權,規劃改編為迷你影集,並力邀馬修‧麥康納(Matthew McConaughey)回鍋主演當年讓他演藝事業起飛的法律懸疑電影《殺戮時刻》(A TIME TO KILL)中的主角──辯護律師傑克‧布里根斯(Jake Brigance)。
這個時代最受歡迎的小說之一《殺戮時刻》(A TIME TO KILL)的主人公傑克‧布里根斯律師(Jake Brigance)回來了!他將在《紐約時報》稱為“引人入勝”和“懸疑迭起”的法庭劇中回歸。
背景在1990年代的密西西比州克蘭頓。傑克‧布里根斯發現自己捲入了一場極具爭議的審判,法院任命他為德魯‧甘博(Drew Gamble)的律師。德魯是一個膽小的16歲男孩,被指控謀殺了當地的一名代表。克蘭頓的許多人都希望迅速通過審判,並判處死刑,但隨著布里根斯深入研究此案件,發現這個案件比表面上看到的要複雜許多。布里根斯決心將德魯從毒氣室中拯救出來,此舉將危及他的事業、經濟狀況和家人的安全…
這部作品可能是約翰·葛里遜(John Grisham)傳奇職業生涯中最具個人色彩,且最成功的法律驚悚小說,讓讀者加深了對美國南部小鎮克蘭頓的了解,以及許多讀者熟知且喜愛的生動角色,這是一部精采的回歸之作,充滿智慧、戲劇性,最重要的是,充滿情感。《寬恕時刻》將是約翰·葛里遜迄今為止最出色的驚悚法庭劇。
An Amazon Best Book of October 2020: When a teenager shoots his stepfather at close range, many of the residents of Clanton, MS believe he should get the death penalty for killing a deputy. It’ll be up to Jake Brigance to take on the case that no other lawyer wants. Grisham’s storytelling gifts are on full display in A Time for Mercy as he keeps the reins tight on a complex courtroom thriller, a heartbreaking drama about two families from the opposite side of the tracks, and a stirring tale of a small, Southern town divided on the question of justice versus loyalty. —Vannessa Cronin, Amazon Book Review
"Grisham has returned to the place closest to his heart... The trial is riveting...it's striking how suspenseful the story is...how much we're gripped by the small details."–Sarah Lyall, The New York Times
“Textbook Grisham—and that’s a compliment…a briskly paced legal drama, with just the right amount of suspense, conflict, plot twists, and courtroom theatrics.”—St. Louis Post-Dispatch