Night Lunch


類別 : 故事繪本
頁數 : 48
出版 : Tundra
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Cynthia / 简体博達代理Shirley


這本書剛獲得2022年紐約時報最佳繪本圖書大獎“The 2022 New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Childrens Books Winners!.


午夜,一輛馬拉的豪華餐車緩緩駛過黑暗的城市,為晚下班的工作人群準備美味的夜宵: 狐狸的肉餡餅,獾的火腿三明治,還有給小負鼠的布丁,每個食客都能得到它想要的美味食物。經營這家餐車的是帶著圓頂帽的貓頭鷹,它幾乎不說話,而是把精力都花在烹飪和上菜上(“劈啪,劈啪,一打雞蛋——鍋裡滋滋作響”)。一隻饑餓卻身無分文的老鼠觀察著來來往往的食客,羡慕極了。老鼠是一個貧窮的街道清潔工,看著顧客的隊伍變大了,他們希望有人會掉下一口食物。但是貓頭鷹做的菜太好吃了,只剩下麵包屑了。等食客慢慢散去,疲憊的貓頭鷹發現餓到顫抖的老鼠。貓頭鷹意識到小老鼠的困境並邀請小老鼠一起共用美味晚餐,並讓小老鼠帶著一袋食物離開。 貓頭鷹不僅拯救了它的傳統獵物,而且滋養了它,在這個令人難忘的夜晚。




埃裡克·範(ERIC FAN),出生於美國夏威夷,成長於加拿大多倫多在安大略藝術設計學院主修了插畫、雕刻和電影。其代表作品《午夜園丁》榮獲加拿大總督文學獎,亞馬遜十佳童書、美國圖書館協會年度卓越童書、紐約公共圖書館最佳童書、,凱特·格林納威獎,年度美國父母選擇獎童書等等。


"Spare, incantatory lines by Fan lay down a soothing rhythm for this nocturnal idyll . . . [a] memorable vision of a peaceable kingdom." —STARRED REVIEW, Publishers Weekly

"It’s difficult to create stories that plug directly into the looping logic of the minds of very young children that are also smart and engaging enough for adults in charge of bedtime reading. It’s equally difficult to create the kind of picture book that feels timeless, quiet, and subtle without losing the interest of children. . . . [Q]uietly engaging and carefully executed." —STARRED REVIEW, Quill & Quire

"Night Lunch does indeed capture the spooky-gauzy enchantment of the wee hours, but readers may leave the book less inclined to shut their eyes than to head to the kitchen. . . . Readers' own senses will be stirred by Seiferling's bewitching digital art." —STARRED REVIEW, Shelf Awareness

"Adults and children alike . . . will enjoy the subtle nuances of the book and the soft warmth of the characters. [A] good choice for a pajama storytime or bedtime tale . . . a tasty little treat." —Kirkus Reviews

"A hint of mischief animates this peaceful, harmonious alternative [to] noisier peeks at what animals really do at night . . . A pleaser for story time or bedtime, with distinctive art that adds quiet touches of humor and mystery." —School Library Journal

"[A] sweet and satisfying fantastical glimpse into what animals might be doing while humans sleep. . . . This creative and fun story should encourage children to imagine their own nighttime feasts." —Booklist

"[A]n expertly done book about compassion and care. Eric Fan’s spare text has a poetic, snappy quality that crackles and begs to be read aloud. . . . Together Seiferling and Fan create an unforgettable nocturnal experience, one that ultimately comforts and happily stays in the memory." —Mr. Brian's Picture Book Picks


A New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children's Book of 2022
An Indigo Best Kids' Book of 2022


Night Lunch

