Tor Freeman‘s books


類別 : 故事繪本
頁數 : 32
出版 : Andersen
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Changchih / 简体博達代理Shirley


這是兩部非常棒的兒童故事繪本, 捅過2個滑稽和懸疑故事來講述道理,非常精妙。


Bricks-- 在這本用押韻文字的抒情繪本中,貪婪和奸詐的顯得格外突出。主角也是反派。吝嗇鬼豬的口袋裡有現金,他想在他剛在農村買的房產上建造他的夢想之家。吝嗇鬼豬去城裡找工人,在那裡他遇到了另外三隻動物,騙他們以三分之一的工資為自己建造了一座大廈。貓、小狗和母雞給小豬蓋了一間房子,但是小豬不滿意,想要一間更大的。在看到他們的第二次完工後,吝嗇鬼豬要求一個更大的改造,最終的成品是一個史詩般比例和功能的宮殿。當三個工人去領工資的時候,吝嗇鬼豬用語言的漏洞和法律條欺騙他們,不肯兌現承諾支付勞務費。  但是甜蜜的報復即將到來…..


豬想要以最便宜的價格修建最大最好的新房子,即使這需要撒一個小謊但他馬上就會知道貪婪的豬剝削工人會有什麼下場! 磚頭掉下來的時候,誰來救這只豬? 在故事的結尾出現了一個令人愉快的轉折,讓人遠離病態,並強調了公平、努力工作、閱讀細則,善良和正直的重要性等主題。


DOGDUNNIT--犯罪行為席捲了整個社區: 沙發被撕成碎片,床上沾滿泥巴的爪印,廚房地板上的便便……所有的證據都指向罪犯是狗,鑰匙孔探長很快就逮捕了每一個人。但是偉大的貓偵探珀洛克·鐘斯認為她知道誰是真正的惡棍。這一定是貓的主謀和她的死敵莫格亞蒂。貓把狗帶到法庭想要偵破案件,但法官莫格是也一名有很多小秘密的偽裝大師,案件變得撲朔迷離……




Tor Freeman在倫敦長大,畢業于金斯頓大學,獲得插畫學士學位。從那以後她就一直做插畫師。2012年,她被授予桑達克獎學金,2017年榮獲“the Observer/Cape/Comica Graphic Short Story Prize”圖書獎。


"Greed and the importance of minutiae in deal-making loom large in this lyrical picture book written in rhyming couplets that bounce off the tongue. The main character is also the villain. Penny-pinching Pig has cash in his pocket, and a desire to build his dream home on the property he has just purchased in the countryside. Miserly Pig heads to town seeking laborers, and there he meets three other animals and dupes them into building him a mansion for a third of the wages he implies they will receive. Cat, Pup, and Hen build a house for Pig, but Pig is not satisfied, and demands a larger one. After seeing their second iteration, Pig demands an even larger remodel, and the end product is a mansion of epic proportions and features that pleases the materialistic owner. When the three laborers go to collect their wages, Pig cheats them by following the letter of the law and not the spirit, but sweet revenge is on its way. The shock value provided by the last few pages of text and artwork is spot-on. Cotton's words have a great cadence; this is one to read out loud to groups. Freeman's colorful illustrations pair well with the rhyming couplets, although the faces of the anthropomorphic animals lack expression. VERDICT A delightful twist at the end of the story stops just short of morbid, and highlights themes of fairness, hard work, just desserts, and the importance of reading the fine print. Recommended for fiction collections."―School Library Journal


Tor Freeman‘s books

