The Glowing Tree
“I am a tree that glows. One day, you may also be glowing on my branches. At that time, what day would you like to stay on? Could it be – every day?”
Life is made of countless perfect and imperfect moments. We can’t decide people we may encounter and things that may happen, but we may decide what kind of mood to face the highs and lows of life. It is always yourself to decides whether you are happy or not.
Selected in Bologna Illustrators Exhibition, Meng-Yun Chiang chooses to use bright color to tell readers about this story about a tree and about every one of us. We are hoping that the story may help readers accept the sorrows and happiness of life, and seize the time of life, to explore moments that worth celebrating and memorizing.

Chiang Meng-Yun began her career as an illustrator after finishing her college degree in philosophy. She is proficient with several different kinds of media, and has experience with animation as well as still visual art. She has been a featured illustrator at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair.

Higo Wu was born in Taipei, Taiwan. Before becoming an author of picture books, he worked as a book reviewer. Wu enjoys telling stories for children and adults. Living all his life on a multicultural island, he believes no one is an island because stories, ancient or modern, will connect us all. He published a book of introducing picture books to parents and he is the author of several picture books, such as Blossoms of Kshitigarbha, Peace, Will You Play with Me?, and Mommy is a Cloud...etc. One of his works, The Song of Little Stone, has been published in English.