Executive Presence 2.0: Leadership in an Age of Inclusion


類別 : 商業理財
頁數 : 320
出版 : Harper Business, 2023 年 11 月 7 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體版權已售Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


「席薇雅.安.惠烈挑戰了固有的『領袖風度是難以捉摸又與生俱來』的觀念。任何想要一展長才的人能夠從她實際、吸引人又充滿人道關懷的建議中獲益。」— 紐約大學法學教授吉野賢治

「這是一本渴望升遷的職場年輕人迫切需要的書。文憑已經不足以帶來職場發展機會,你也需要『領袖風度』—展現自信與可信度的能力」—蘇格蘭地區日報Aberdeen Press & Journal


全球最有影響力的商業思想家席薇雅.安.惠烈(Sylvia Ann Hewlett)繼備受讚譽的《讓世界看見你: 為什麼有些人永遠懷才不遇, 他卻可以脫穎而出》後,將在更新擴充的第二版中揭露快速變化的後疫情時代領導者必不可少的特質,掌握了這些原則才能找到職場晉升的秘訣。


近十年前,經濟學家席薇雅.安.惠烈(Sylvia Ann Hewlett)破解了「領袖風度(Executive Presence)」的密碼。翻譯成俄語、簡體中文、韓語等七種語言的第一版《讓世界看見你: 為什麼有些人永遠懷才不遇, 他卻可以脫穎而出》已經是商業叢書的經典,幫助了上萬名不分性別種族的專業人士在職場中快速升遷。採用了各行各業高階主管深度訪談、蒐集多年的數據資料,以及作者自身以女性的角度去觀察男性主宰的各行職場,惠烈提出「領袖風度」需要具備端莊的領導氣質、溝通能力以及適當的外在形象。Cisco執行長(Chuck Robbins)、美國教師退休基金會執行長(Thasunda Brown Duckett)等各界領導者更是將這本書推薦給任何想要做出一番事業的人。




席薇雅.安.惠烈(Sylvia Ann Hewlett)是曼哈頓智庫「人才創新中心」(Center for Talent Innovation)的創辦總裁,領導八十二家全球企業組成的人才創新工作小組,充分開發全球職場上的新人才。著作《推手比人生導師更重要》(Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor)獲選為2013年十大商業好書,並榮獲公理好書獎(Axiom Book Award)。


“Sylvia Ann Hewlett has put together the complete play book for high potential employees eager to develop the executive presence skills that will propel them to the top. In this book Hewlett explains what EP is, and how to get it. It’s real, pragmatic and brilliant!” — 'Tiger' Tyagarajan, President and CEO, Genpact


“Groundbreaking. This book provides a simple guide that will help you crack the code to career success.” — Katherine W. Phillips, Paul Calello Professor of Leadership and Ethics, Columbia Business School


“In this significant book, Sylvia Ann Hewlett challenges the conventional wisdom that executive presence is an innate quality that can barely be defined, much less developed. Anyone seeking to close the gap between their merit and their success could benefit from her practical, engaging, and humane advice.” — Kenji Yoshino, Chief Justice Earl Warren Professor of Constitutional Law, NYU School of Law


“A solid guide for those looking to take their career to the next level” — Publishers Weekly


“Sylvia Ann Hewlett’s book is essential reading for anyone striving to minimize the gap between how others perceive you and how you want to be seen. Executive Presence will transforms careers and unleash a current of previously untapped potential on the world.” — A.J. Jacobs, New York Times bestselling author of The Know-It-All


“This is a powerful and urgent book for young professionals climbing the ladder. Credentials alone will not get you the next big opportunity, you also need Executive Presence - the ability to signal confidence and credibility. ” — Aberdeen Press & Journal [Scotland]


“Tangible, practical advice that readers can easily use to lift their game.” — Anré Williams, President, Global Merchant Services, American Express


Executive Presence 2.0: Leadership in an Age of Inclusion

