La voz de la madre (英文: A Mother's Voice)
「希薇亞.阿拉齊是拉丁美洲最傑出的故事敘述者之一。」— 塞凡提斯獎得主奧古斯托.羅亞.巴斯托斯(Augusto Roa Bastos)

希薇亞.阿拉齊(Silvia Arazi)是一位阿根廷小說家、短篇小說家、詩人、演員和歌手。她出演過許多戲劇、電影、喜劇、音樂劇和電視節目。作為一名作家,她曾在Abelardo Castillo工作室工作多年。1998 年,她憑藉短篇小說《Que temprano anochece》(《天黑得多早》,暫譯)獲得西班牙胡利奧.科塔薩爾短篇小說獎(Premio Julio Cortázar de Narrativa Breve)。她的小說《La maestra de canto》(《歌唱老師》,暫譯)被翻譯成德語和荷蘭語,並於2013 年由 Ariel Broitman 改編成電影。她還出版了詩集《Claudine y la casa de piedra y La medianera, una novelita haiku》(獲阿根廷國家藝術基金會二等獎)和兒童詩集《La familia Cubierto》。她最新出版的小說是《El niño de pocas palabras》(《少言寡語的孩子》,暫譯)和《La separación》(《分離》,暫譯)。她現居於阿根廷和烏拉圭。
“A remarkable novel, rooted in the elusive evocation of the past without ever drowning in the sadness of loss... On the contrary, it leaves the reader with the feeling that whatever is lost does not vanish altogether but is a place that ruminates vaguely and abstractly in the least visited recesses of the mind. There is a way to that place, and that way is fiction.” Debret Viana, Página 12
“Arazi's writing is graceful: it subtly allows for tenderness but does not shy away from the pain; instead tackling it head on. [...] Even when she smiles, even when she sings, even when she strolls through the square with her mother or has a lively conversation with the manager of her building, underneath there is always a tear. A tear that glistens, that names and describes, in simple and precise words, something that in the beginning could not be named.” Mauricio Koch, Fundación La Balandra
“‘The pain is a blood clot. It is silence. It is a non-word.’ This fragment by Silvia Arazi sits on my chest and like a mussel, slow and precise, it digs down until it has rooted itself into my heart. It hurts, yes, but I can’t help but take pleasure in such beauty. A moving book. A gem.” Paula Castiglioni, Becult Magazine
“An intimate and poetic story that seeks to reconstruct the family memory and includes intense reflections on writing, the human voice and its power to reveal our most hidden thoughts.” Rocío Ibarlucía, La Capital Newspaper
“Silvia Arazi - an exceptional author who manages to penetrate the depths of the soul as if she were describing a Japanese landscape. When I read her, I constantly have the impression of being both a spectator and part of her stories. As a reader, she doesn’t demand commitment from me, she doesn’t ask me to take her side, she respects my rhythm and, when I least expect it, I am inside her words.” Luciano Luterau, Infobae
“In this intimate and intimate novel, everything is expressed with an exquisite cadence, with a prose that caresses and almost whispers, so characteristic of Silvia Arazi’s literature. As if she were singing an a cappella song with her delicate voice. Because it is also about the voice. To hear that voice, to listen to it, to make sure it is not lost forever, to treasure it.” Silvia Renee Surer, Perfil Newspaper
“The preoccupation with what the words say - worthy of a disciple of Abelardo Castillo - puts this novel in the category of an essay, and adds reflections that flesh out the facts being narrated.” Leticia Martin, Polvo Magazine
“A Mother’s Voice deals with a sensitive subject matter: the history, the progressive deterioration and, finally, the pain of the absence of her mother, Rosita. A text that makes use of the devices of fiction and manages to get to the core of a pain as real and lacerating as the loss of a loved one.” Monica Lopez Ocon, Tiempo Argentino