Design Thinking: Understanding How Designers Think and Work


類別 : 藝術設計
頁數 : 200
出版 : Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023 年 7 月 13 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Jessica / 简体博達代理Jessica


我們都理解並享受設計師的工作成果,但一流設計師從無到有的創作過程到底是怎麼發生的? 設計學界最有經驗與影響力的英國學者之一奈傑爾. 克羅斯,將為大家揭開設計過程的神秘面紗。


設計思維(Design Thinking)是所有設計師的核心創作過程,但這種思考過程的樣貌卻鮮為人知。 而本書從各大產業取得研究資料,從F1賽車到轎車、火車、自行車,從裁縫機到垃圾桶到檸檬榨汁器,從生活消費品到通訊設備,從個人設計到團隊設計,克羅斯以嚴謹 的研究方法,透過觀察、個案分析與個案佐證,將自己所得出的結論分享給讀者。


《設計思維》一書中以三位設計大師、全球知名設計公司的訪談資料與實驗記錄,來探索設計思考的過程,並加上專業的分析、評論與對比,也為新手設計師提供成為專業 設計師的建議,是一本全面性探討設計師工作的專著。


本書作者奈傑爾. 克羅斯是設計學界著名的學者與教師,他一直專注於設計過程的研究,並於2011年時將研究成果的精華,以淺顯易懂的文字集結成冊,出版了《設計思維》一書。 出版後獲設計學界一片好評,今年修訂、更新、擴充後推出全新第二版,對於想成為設計師或想理解一流設計師的工作的讀者來說,是一本非常合適的入門手冊。


1. 設計能力
2. 為贏而設計:個案分析-F1賽車設計師Gordon Murray
3. 為取悅而設計:個案分析-日常用品設計大師Kenneth Grange
4. 設計師的思考方式
5. 為使用而設計:個案分析¬¬—機器人設計先驅Victor Scheinman
6. 團隊設計:個案分析—獲獎無數的矽谷大型設計公司IDEO
7. 設計師的工作方式
8. 設計的專業發展


奈傑爾. 克羅斯(Nigel Cross)是英國開放大學(Open University)設計研究名譽教授。 作為一名設計教師,他擁有豐富的教學經驗;作為一名設計研究者,他出版了《Designerly Ways of Knowing》和《Analysing Design Activity》等著作,並擔任權威研究期刊《Design Studies》的編輯, 在國際上享有盛譽。


“I came across the first edition of this book and adopted it immediately for my instructional design course…The second edition is even richer with engaging storytelling and case studies. A must-read for future designers-to-be.” ―Minjuan Wang, Professor and Chair of Learning Design and Technology, San Diego State University, USA

“This is the classic book on how designers think and work. While based on solid research, it is also a compelling read: the interviews, case studies and stories from design practice are lively and very accessible. There still is no better explanation.” ―Kees Dorst, Professor of Transdisciplinary Innovation, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

“Are you looking for a book that can help you advance your ability to be a reflective designer? This straightforward book takes on the complex topic of design thinking and gives you gems to reflect on and incorporate into your own design practice.” ―Cynthia Atman, Professor of Human Centered Design and Engineering and Director of CELT, University of Washington, USA

“Nigel Cross has been at the forefront of research in design thinking for several decades. This book elegantly encapsulates his exceptional knowledge of just what it is that makes designing such a unique and valuable activity.” ―Peter Lloyd, Professor of Integrated Design Methodology, TU Delft, the Netherlands

“This book highlights the core characteristics of design thinking and its processes through empirical case studies on how designers generate creative designs. Nigel Cross, a pioneer in design research and methodology, analyzes design thinking with insights based on his long-standing experience, which can be of great help to design researchers, educators and students.” ―Kun-Pyo Lee, Dean of the School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

“Design thinking has radically changed the world. Long before the concept got traction in many disciplines beyond design, Nigel already engaged deeply with the cognitive processes of designers and architects. This book is a much needed refresher on the understanding of these fascinating phenomena. As a design professor with a background in psychology, I am hugely inspired by this book.” ―Cees de Bont, Dean of the School of Design and Creative Arts, Loughborough University, UK


Design Thinking: Understanding How Designers Think and Work

