Just Once, No More: On Fathers, Sons, and Who We Are Until We Are No Longer
僅此一次,不再重來: 關於父子關係的探索
“Once for each thing. Just once; no more. And we too, 每一種人生體驗,僅此一次,不再。我們也是,
just once. And never again. But to have been 僅此一次。沒有第二次的機會。但能夠
this once, completely, even if only once 有過這樣一次,完全的體驗,即使只有一次
― Rainer Maria Rilke, Duino Elegies 《杜英諾哀歌》
在這本感人至深的回憶錄中,作者查爾斯·福蘭(Charles Foran)描繪了他那既粗獷又慈愛的父親在生命終點的掙扎。兒子查爾斯則是作為見證者、慰藉者和心靈導師,同時查爾斯也面對著自己邁向衰老與終結的過程。這本回憶錄問道:當生命與自我不可避免的邁向終點,我們能為自己和我們所愛的人講述什麼樣的人生故事? 這是一本關於父親和兒子、愛與失落,以及思考渺小一生的的回憶錄。
戴夫·福蘭(Dave Foran)是個少言寡語的強悍男人,與他那敏感、愛好文學的兒子查爾斯·福蘭來自不同的世代。年輕時,戴夫曾在荒野中獨自生活數月,克服雪盲,用狗拉雪橇將一具屍體拖過結冰的湖泊,在酒吧裡躲避子彈,與熊面對面較量。他的生活有些方面充滿冒險,而有些方面則更為內斂:作為一個正直的父親和忠誠的丈夫,戴夫情感上與人疏離,對於世俗的事容易冷嘲熱諷情緒多變。正如查爾斯·福蘭所寫:「他一生中大部分的時間都在對抗無法識別、無法治癒的傷口……我的父親不僅從未能克服童年時期所發生的事,他甚至沒有嘗試過。那時候的男人通常不會嘗試。男人的家人只能面對這樣的父親。」(He struggled most days of his life with wounds he could not readily identify, let alone heal . . . Not only did my father never get over what had happened to him as a boy, he didn’t try. Men usually didn’t try back then. Their families just had to deal.)
在查理55歲那年,他83歲的父親開始緩慢地走向生命的終點,查爾斯驚訝地發現自己想要寫下他們之間的關係。表面上,他的動機是向父親保證他是被愛的。但也有更深層的渴望在作祟。「在我生命的中期深處,」 查爾斯寫道,「悲傷佔據了我的存在……我想坦率地說出來,不管這讓我有多不舒服。」
在簡潔而動人的文字中,《僅此一次,不再重來: 關於父子關係的探索》拉動這些細膩的線索——揭示了父子關係難以言說的羈絆與關懷。
查爾斯·福蘭(Charles Foran)已經出版了十二本書。他的小說、非小說和新聞作品曾獲得多項獎項,包括希拉里·韋斯頓獎和加拿大總督文學獎。他現居多倫多。
“A meditative rumination on issues of mortality, family, and what it means to be alive in the world. . . . [Just Once, No More is] a series of lyrical musings . . . that cumulatively comprise an emotional cartography of the author’s developing understanding of how to exist in a body among other bodies, both human and animal. . . . The payoff is being in the presence of a supple, inquisitive mind . . . through the vicissitudes of human existence.” —Toronto Star
"A beautiful elegy on the aches of an aging heart. Sad, yes, but in a luminous way, like a flickering, crackling vintage lightbulb. Truly, a book that is wise and moving." —Yann Martel, author of Life of Pi
“Charles Foran, at his dying father’s bedside, traces the giant, altering moments and the end-of-day tender ones that shape them both. This is an eyes-open memoir about how we fly apart and come together; about the fierce and gentle hold of fatherhood; about the ways art can make meaning; about love, sadness, and the ties that bind. Elegiac, intimate and honest, this is a beautiful, tender book, so spare and lovely, so full of little diamonds of truth.” —Lisa Moore, author of February