Life on Delay: Making Peace with a Stutter


類別 : 傳記回憶錄
頁數 : 272
出版 : Knopf, 2023 年 1 月 17 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Karen / 简体博達代理Karen


★《隱谷路》(Hidden Valley Road)作者羅伯特‧科爾克、《也許你該找人聊聊》(Maybe You Should Talk to Someone)作者蘿蕊‧葛利布大力推薦!






比起回憶錄,《卡在喉嚨裡的話》更像是作者的坦承。從副書名Making Peace with a Stutter,我們可以得知作者沒有,也無法,克服口吃,但他不會自怨自艾,而是想辦法與其共存。2019年,作者採訪了當時美國總統候選人拜登,在採訪過程中,他發現拜登對於小時候有口吃一事避而不談,隨後刊登了關於為什麼拜登不承認自己有口吃的文章。沒想到文章一夕爆紅,媒體採訪邀約如雪片般飛來。作者原想一一拒絕,不過他才剛寫完一篇關於為什麼口吃患者羞於承認一文,如果自己也逃避受訪,彷彿成了偽君子。同時,他也收到了海量擁有相同困擾的讀者們的來信,了解有多少人如他以前一樣,想躲避各種對話與社交場合,進而罹患憂鬱症、強迫症,訴諸藥物濫用;但也得知很多人選擇擁抱疾病,在各自領域發光發熱。作者決定分享自己和讀者們的故事,把長期以來,一般人沒有耐心聽完的口吃患者的心聲,「說」給大家聽。


我想點三分熟(medium rare)牛肉內餡,但對我來說,R太難發音,於是我在說出五分熟 (medium)後便打住。這是一個小小的決定,但是久而久之,你會不再去餐廳、不再接電話、不再自我介紹、不再去找工作……這些微小的妥協不斷累積,你的世界就越來越小。






《大西洋》(The Atlantic)的特約記者。他之前曾為《滾石》(Rolling Stone)、《君子》(Esquire)和《丹佛郵報》(The Denver Post)撰寫和編輯文章。他在《大西洋》上發表的文章《喬‧拜登無法說出口的話》(What Joe Biden Can’t Bring Himself to Say)被Longform評為2019年最佳故事之一。他目前與妻子住在紐約市。


“John Hendrickson’s overwhelmingly honest, clear-eyed memoir of his struggle with speaking is by turns outrage-inducing, heartbreaking, and inspiring. And when the reporter in him seeks out others with similar struggles, an entire world emerges: millions of people, all sharing a need to be understood and accepted, not just by the world but often by those they love the most. The result is revelatory — and extremely moving. I can’t remember the last time I read a book that made me want to both cry and cheer so much, often at the same time.”—Robert Kolker(羅伯特‧科爾克), best-selling author of Hidden Valley Road《隱谷路》


“I could not put down this brave, eye-opening, and exquisitely moving memoir. I cried, laughed, and entered a whole new world that felt both specific and universal in the complexities of navigating a path to self-acceptance. It has made me view myself and others in entirely new ways, and I will be thinking about John's journey for years to come. A must-read for every human.”—Lori Gottlieb(洛莉‧戈特利布/蘿蕊‧葛利布), author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone《也许你该找个人聊聊/也許你該找人聊聊》


“Mold-breaking . . . Astutely illuminates the complexity of disfluency . . . Life on Delay recasts stuttering and, in doing so, challenges long-standing attitudes toward disability. By drawing deftly from personal experience, research, others’ stories and his wellspring of empathy, Hendrickson transforms the disorder he avoided claiming for decades into an invitation to all of us to demonstrate genuine humanity. . . . This full-hearted memoir grapples with shame, resentment and fear as Hendrickson answers with courage and compassion one of the most meaningful questions in life: ‘How do you accept an aspect of yourself that you’re taught at such an early age to hate?’—Anna Leahy, The Washington Post

“Poignant . . . Whether it’s struggling to communicate in a new language or suffering from a disease that impedes speech, readers of many communities can relate to Hendrickson’s experiences. And at the end of the day, Hendrickson can find peace with his past and his stutter, providing inspiration for readers to find peace with their own challenges, too.—Sophia N. Downs, The Harvard Crimson

“Brave, compassionate, and brilliantly observed, Life on Delay is not only one of the most engaging books I’ve ever read on disability, it’s one of the best books I’ve read on becoming a mature, authentic human being in a society that stigmatizes difference.”—Steve Silberman, author of NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity

Life on Delay is both a revelation and an affirmation. The reader gets a vicarious, almost physical sense of what it means to stutter as well as a universal story of family and forgiveness, told with uncommon grace and wit. John Hendrickson is a beautiful writer, a warm companion, and a compassionate observer of what makes us human.”—Jennifer Senior(珍妮弗‧辛尼/珍妮佛‧希尼爾), winner of the 2022 Pulitzer Prize in Feature writing(普利策專題寫作獎/普立茲專題寫作獎) and author of All Joy and No Fun《孩子的到来如何改变你的生活/你教育孩子?還是孩子教育你?》



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★亞馬遜Audible 2023年最佳傳記/回憶錄之一




Life on Delay: Making Peace with a Stutter

