SLIP: Life in the Middle of Eating Disorder Recovery
SLIP: 生活於飲食失調的中間地帶
#飲食失調 #厭食症 #健康 #心理
「在《SLIP》中,Mallary Tenore Tarpley 為我們創造了一個位於急性疾病與完全康復之間的『中間地帶』,適合我們這些有飲食失調經驗的人。塔普利是這個話題的完美引導者,她將回憶錄、報導和研究完美結合。內容通俗易懂、現實真切且充滿希望,坦誠面對從飲食失調中恢復的混亂與挫折。這部難得的作品將帶給讀者安慰、啟發及知識。我們很幸運,這本書存在於世。」——《Group》暢銷作家 Christie Tate
將由 Simon Element 於 2025 年 8 月出版。《SLIP》呈現了一種全新的視角來理解飲食失調恢復的經驗,將動人的個人敘事、身臨其境的報導及新興的科學研究巧妙交織在一起。
塔普利十一歲時,她的母親因乳癌去世。在哀痛之餘,她患上了神經性厭食症,隨後被送往波士頓兒童醫院。自那時起,她一直在恢復的道路上努力。《SLIP》記錄了 作者從童年時期對抗厭食症及面對母親離世的心路歷程,到成為母親後,逐漸接受自己仍在這條康復之路上的現在。
“Candid, courageous and meticulously researched, Slip is a game-changing addition to literature on disordered eating from the perspective of someone in committed recovery. Tarpley’s quest to exercise control in a turbulent world is meaningful and timely, and this book is a necessary read for anyone trying to understand—or grapple with—the dark side of perfectionism.”
—Courtney Maum, author of The Year of the Horses
“In Slip, Mallary Tenore Tarpley carves out a "middle place" between acute sickness and full recovery for those of us with eating disorders. Tarpley is the perfect guide for this conversation, as she seamlessly blends memoir, reportage, and research. At all times, Slip remains accessible, realistic, and hopeful about the messy and maddening process of recovering from disordered eating. This tremendous book will comfort, inspire, and educate readers. We are lucky that it exists.”
—Christie Tate, New York Times bestselling author of Group
“This is a must-read for anyone affected by the devastation of an eating disorder. Those who have suffered themselves will find a redemptive narrative to guide their recovery. Loved ones will understand more about how to support recovery without expecting perfection. And clinicians, educators, activists, and policy makers may decide their narrative should be less about eradicating eating disorders and more about elucidating them. We need to make space in the middle, in the shadows, where recovery becomes possible, just as Tarpley has shown us.”
—Margo Maine, PhD, clinical psychologist
“There is no single image of eating disorders in the United States, but so often, we think about eating disorders as a linear journey with a neat and happy ending. Mallary Tenore Tarpley beautifully disrupts this narrative with Slip, an erudite memoir that moves us into a new generation in which we’re not defined by our disorders. It’s an essential addition to a canon of memoirs that shift paradigms and push us toward a new idea of what it means to recover and to fully, completely live.”
—Evette Dionne, author of Weightless: Making Space for My Resilient Body and Soul
“Slip is a gorgeous, paradigm-smashing book that explores the liminal space between sickness and health where so many of us live. Blending memoir and reportage, Slip defies tidy narratives to show us we are not alone when we struggle, when we strive to get better, when we slip.”
—Emi Nietfeld, author of Acceptance