IMAGINABLE: How to See the Future Coming and Feel Ready for Anything—Even Things That Seem Impossible Today


類別 : 大眾科普
頁數 : 432
出版 : Spiegel & Grau, 2022 年 3 月 22 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Changchih / 简体版權已售


“讀這本書就像和一個有創造力、樂觀的朋友坐下來交談一樣——然後變化為一個嶄新的自己站起來。” –丹尼爾‧品克(Daniel H. Pink),紐約時報暢銷書《什麼時候是好時候》(When)的作者




未來學家簡‧麥戈尼格爾(Jane McGonigal)在新書《想像未來》(IMAGINABLE)中借鑒心理學和神經科學的最新研究,告訴讀者如何訓練我們的思維,去思考不可想像的事情和想像不可想像的事情。她邀請讀者思考她專門為這本書設計的挑釁性思維實驗和未來模擬,目標如下:

1.    建立我們的集體想像力,這樣我們就可以潛入未來,並以令人驚訝的細節設想十年後我們的生活會是什麼樣子。
2.    培養創造性解決問題的勇氣和遠見。
3.    採取行動並做出有助於塑造我們渴望的未來的決定。
4.    通向”強烈的正向樂觀”(urgent optimism),這是我們每個人內心不可阻擋的力量,可以激化我們的控制感。






著名未來學家,美國未來研究所(the Institute for the Future)的資深研究員,世界頂級未來趨勢智庫未來研究所遊戲研發總監,美國著名互動式娛樂服務公司42 Entertainment首席設計師,全球產值達680億美元的數字遊戲行業大使。TED大會新銳演講者,受關注度超過比爾•蓋茨,位居第16位;紐約客大會特邀演講人,遊戲開發者大會主講人。著有《遊戲改變世界,讓現實更美好》(Reality is Broken)和《超級好!用遊戲打倒生命裡的壞東西:50萬人親身見證的心理奇蹟》(SuperBetter),她的研究刊登於《經濟學人》《連線》雜誌,以及《紐約時報》,並登上美國重要電視媒體MTV、CNN、NPR等。






“Reading this book is like sitting down with a creative, optimistic friend—and getting up as a new version of yourself. Jane McGonigal has long been a visionary. Now she teaches the rest of us how to be one too.”  —Daniel H. Pink, New York Times bestselling author of When and To Sell Is Human


 “Jane McGonigal is unusually adept at anticipating events that most of us can’t even fathom. In this eye-opening, actionable book, she teaches you how to widen your peripheral vision, extend your imagination farther into the future, and conceive of the inconceivable.” —Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author Think Again and host of the TED podcast WorkLife


 “Imaginable is a delightful and actionable antidote to apocalypse: an invitation to play with the future as if it were limited by nothing but our own imaginative capacity. An inspiring read.” —Douglas Rushkoff, author of Present Shock and Team Human


 “Imaginable is more than a book, it’s a mindset upgrade. It teaches you to think more creatively and optimistically about what’s next. You’ll be excited about the future rather than fearful of it. Your brain will be on fire with new possibilities. And you’ll never call anything ‘unimaginable’ or ‘unthinkable’ again.” —Peter H. Diamandis, MD, New York Times bestselling author of The Future Is Faster Than You Think


 “With Imaginable, Jane McGonigal has pulled off a rare and essential feat: she’s written a book filled with inspiring ideas about how the future might play out that also provides immediate, practical tools to help you think more creatively about how you can change that future yourself.” —Steven Johnson, New York Times bestselling author of Where Good Ideas Come From and Farsighted


 “Imaginable is one of those rare and thrilling books that actually changes you. It translates scientific insights into psychological breakthroughs, giving you a new set of tools to feel more hopeful, more creative, more awake to your dreams for the future. It empowers you with what McGonigal calls a sense of ‘urgent optimism.’ It will help you transcend the present moment to realize your full potential and make a future that’s better for all.” —Scott Barry Kaufman, psychologist and author of Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization and Wired to Create


“A unique and insightful look at how games and simulations can not only teach us about the past but give us a window into our future. Jane McGonigal's work provides us with a whole new set of tools to make important decisions better, faster, and more transparently.” —Sid Meier, creator of Civilization


“In challenging times, it can be tempting to put our heads in the sand. In Imaginable, futurist Jane McGonigal offers us her outstretched hand. McGonigal plows years of research and simulation into an actionable guide that proves that we are vastly more capable of building desirable solutions than we realize. Fueled by her conversational tone of ‘urgent optimism,’ McGonigal’s questions and challenges are a galvanizing, must-read road map to a sustainable, desired future for all who can imagine.”—Julie Lythcott-Haims, New York Times bestselling author of How to Raise an Adult


“In Imaginable, Jane McGonigal teaches us to bring soul-stirring imagination to our daily lives. As she persuasively demonstrates, imagination training is more than just a skill set: it’s a creativity boost, a mindset shift, and an emotional uplift all rolled up in one. The life-changing techniques you’ll learn in this science-packed book will help you choose your future and feel more in control of what happens next.”—Nir Eyal, author of Hooked and Indistractable


“Everyone should be imagining the future as a basic survival skill. This book is for everyone and is the only book I know of that will teach you the proven techniques that futurists use to forecast the future. It includes all the methods I use, and more. Do yourself a favor: Read this book.”—Kevin Kelly, New York Times bestselling author of The Inevitable and Senior Maverick for Wired


“Futurist and game designer McGonigal delivers an illuminating look at how imagining the future can help to change one’s own life while making a difference in the world. Expertly blending practical advice and big-picture thinking, this is a stimulating guide to preparing for the future. Readers will be inspired to put their imaginations to use”—Publishers Weekly


“A fascinating book about how the future does not have to be an undiscovered country. McGonigal, a future forecaster, game designer, and bestselling author of Reality Is Broken and Superbetter, firmly believes that it is possible to consider the possibilities of the future in a systematic, disciplined way, and her narrative draws on a large body of personal experience, research studies, and knowledge gleaned from her work as a game designer. … A wealth of interesting ideas combined with practical guidance for new thinking.” —Kirkus Reviews








IMAGINABLE: How to See the Future Coming and Feel Ready for Anything—Even Things That Seem Impossible Today

