Jog On: How Running Saved My Life

往前跑: 跑步如何改變我的人生

類別 : 心理勵志
頁數 : 288
出版 : William Collins , 2018 年 12 月 27 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mingming / 简体不代理


☆ 《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷書。

我從不知自己會成為一名跑步者,這本書是本年度鼓舞人心的開端~Nigella Lawson(英國美食作家)

作者Bella寫給跑步的那封絕妙情書變成了一封非常勇敢和坦率的記事,講述了她與焦慮的鬥爭。一本富有同情心的重要書籍~Joe Lycett(英國著名喜劇演員)

“重塑陰鬱的一月心態的絕佳人選。” Alexandra Heminsley (英國記者和作家)

離婚後,作者Bella Mackie飽受根深蒂固的精神健康問題的困擾,在淚水中向二十歲說再見。她連從沙發上站起來的力氣都沒有,更不用說重新振作起來了。直到有一天,她做了一件她從來沒有自願做過的事情——她穿上一雙運動鞋去跑步。


在《JOG ON》一書中,作者以幽默而坦率的方式解釋了她是如何利用跑步來戰勝嚴重的焦慮和抑鬱,而不用犧牲她的主要愛好: 酒、香煙和冰淇淋。在一群醫生、心理學家、運動員和朋友的幫助下,她分享了大量鼓舞人心的故事、研究和技巧,這些故事和技巧表明鍛煉經常可以成為最好的藥物。這本有趣的、感人的、鼓舞人心的書將鼓勵你對自己的問題說“JOG ON 往前跑”,讓你的生活回到正軌——不管這些第一步可能有多麼微不足道。



作者Bella Mackie 曾從事12年記者工作,先是在《衛報》擔任委託編輯,後來在《 VICE 新聞》擔任副主編。她曾為《VOGUE》、《每日郵報》、《風尚》、《衛報》、《Stylist》和《GQ》撰稿。她的第一本書《Jog On》是《星期日泰晤士報》的暢銷書。


‘Bella’s brilliant love letter to running turns into an extraordinarily brave and frank account of her battle with anxiety. This is a compassionate and important book which presents running as a simple but effective antidote to an anxious world’ Joe Lycett

‘An insightful take on what it's like to experience, and confront one's mental health while joyfully celebrating the fact that just being an everyday runner can be enough to change your life. Warm, accessible and perfect for resetting a glum January mindset’ Alexandra Heminsley, author of Running Like a Girl

‘A heartfelt and joyous ode to the strange, wonderful pull of a pair of ugly trainers, tight fitting Polyester, the rainy, windy open road and the peace and clarity it brings. Anyone that runs will love this book’ Dermot O’Leary

‘I don’t know that I will ever become a runner but this book is an inspiring start to the year’ Nigella Lawson

‘My kind of role model’ Ben Fogle

‘A very relatable book’ Philippa Perry

‘Sport and exercise are important for both body and mind. Jog On is one person’s brutally honest and insightful account of how running had a positive impact on their mental health’ Jimmy Anderson

‘A brilliant, compassionate insight into both mental illness and exercise, Bella Mackie’s Jog On will act as a comfort – and a spur – to so many. It is kind, it is honest and it will make you finally pull on those trainers and get moving. It will also – and this is so important – help you to understand what those experiencing anxiety endure’ Lynn Enright

‘Timely and empathetic… an insightful take on what it’s like to experience, and confront one’s mental health… warm, accessible and perfect’ Grazia

‘A book of real hope and one that will truly inspire you’ Stylist

往前跑: 跑步如何改變我的人生

Jog On: How Running Saved My Life

往前跑: 跑步如何改變我的人生
