Family Values: Reset Trust, Boundaries, and Connection with Your Child


類別 : 育兒教養
頁數 : 272
出版 : Simon Element, 2022 年 10 月 4 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体版權已售Mengying


★    Simon Element 將於 2022 年 10 月出版,首次印刷量為 150,000本!
★    重建親子關係的可靠提案!

Sophy 博士認為,解決衝突始於解決和治愈過去的創傷。很多時候,孩子成為父母未解決衝突和痛苦的附帶損害。許多親子關係的不和諧,往往與父母本身曾受到的教育方式和心理創傷有關。因為大人心中的陰影,在與孩子互動的過程中,不自覺重複了傷害的迴圈。


- 如何處理權力轉移/鬥爭
- 防禦性與攻擊性的養育方式
- 建立/重建育兒基礎




Charles Sophy 博士是一名心理醫生,曾任洛杉磯市兒童和家庭服務部的醫療主任。在過去的二十年裡,他一直是菲爾醫生(美國健康節目)的主要人物。現在,他將自己的經驗和專業知識帶入他的著作《家庭價值》中,繼續他在修復親子關係方面的工作,就像他在之前的出版物《肩並肩:無衝突溝通的革命性母女計劃》)(Side by Side: The Revolutionary Mother-Daughter Program for Conflict-Free Communication)中所做的那樣。除了與菲爾醫生合作之外,Sophy 博士也會出現在其他的電視節目中,例如 Today、Good Morning America、CNN 的 Larry King Live、Anderson Cooper 360 和 FOX 新聞頻道。


"Dr. Sophy is a doctor like no other. The compassion and committment he shows people in their darkest and scariest moments is unbelievable. He is a lifeline. His clearheaded advice cuts through the noise and provides simple effective steps to reset and uplift. He demonstrates how to meet your problems head on, without fear, and gives you tools to build a life that works for you. I'm so thankful for Charles and thrilled about this book." –Catherine Bach, actress

“Family Values isn’t just a book, it is a manual. You will probably wear out your first copy and go pick up another one.” –Dr. Phil McGraw

"Dr Charles Sophy has spent decades helping individuals and families in the public healthcare system in addition to his private practice. In his book, Family Values, he elegantly shares his very detailed hybrid approach to treating every aspect of the individual and the family unit. He provides us his lasting framework for behavioral changes for all family members providing an overall increase in family values and relationships…. A must read for all parents…." -Stacey Bendet, owner of Alice and Olivia

“Dr. Sophy is an expert in all childhood development. He has been instrumental in guiding us through any bumps in the road that have occurred with all four of our children. This is a must read!” –Mark & Rhea Wahlberg


Family Values: Reset Trust, Boundaries, and Connection with Your Child

