THE DEVIL NEVER SLEEPS: Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters


類別 : 社會科學
頁數 : 240
出版 : PublicAffairs, 2022 年 3 月 29 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Changchih / 简体博達代理Changchih


“充滿實用的建議和精闢的分析,這是減輕下一次災難後果,敏銳且及時的指引手冊。”——《出版商周刊》(Publishers Weekly)






在《惡魔從未沉睡》中,茱莉葉.凱伊姆(Juliette Kayyem)打造一個處理災難的新取徑。凱伊姆一邊說明危機管理的基礎,一邊修正我們長期以來輕易遵循的原則。她提供一個全新框架以預料「惡魔」無可避免的歸來,並點出在領導中我們需要克服的不足之處,以及擁有事先預想的能力。我們該了解的不再是預防危機的發生,而是要學習如何使用工具以最小化災難發生時的後果。


此書充滿個人軼事和來自真實生活的災難案例,例如天災的加州野火,和人為疏失的波音737 MAX事件,《惡魔從未沉睡》提供政府、商業和個人指引,改變思維以訂定有效策略因應永不停歇的劫難。




是約翰·.F.甘迺迪政府學院(Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government)貝爾弗中心(Robert and Renee Belfer)公共政策的高級講師,她也是這個學院國土安全計畫(the Homeland Security Project)和安全與全球健康計畫(the Security and Global Health Project)的部門主任。她有超過二十年的經驗管理複雜的政策倡議,並組織政府對應州或聯邦政府面臨的重大危機。她為《大西洋》(Atlantic)雜誌的定期撰稿人,以及CNN評論員。


“Kayyem combines real-world national security experience, the everyday personal experiences of an individual, and the genius of a policy thinker for her compelling and engaging new book. Virtually anything Kayyem writes is a must-read and she has put it all together to help us prepare for our era of disasters.”―Jeh Johnson, former secretary of homeland security


“From 9/11 through the pandemic, the United States has been battered by several decades of emergencies. Even more, and worse, are ahead. Juliette Kayyem has a clear-eyed, sane, urgent-but-not-frantic set of principles to guide us in dealing with ‘the devil.’ We’ll all be better off for following her advice.”―James Fallows, National Book Award winner


“Juliette Kayyem is who we call when disaster strikes for a reason: she’s calm, unafraid, and deeply informed. Here she leaves no disaster unturned as she shows how we can be ready to respond. She’ll open your eyes: you’ll definitely never think of Fukushima, fires, or even Beyoncé the same way again.”―Erin Burnett, CNN anchor


“Juliette Kayyem’s infectious energy and passion for reasoned crisis management jump out of the pages of her book. She has written a succinct, compelling kitchen-table tutorial on how to get your head around crises. A must-read for first responders, crisis managers, and the normal citizen who wants to anticipate, prepare, cope, and be resilient.”―James Clapper, former national intelligence director


“We live in a dangerous world where big trouble is inevitable. Oddly, those who warn us to be better prepared are often dismissed. But Juliette Kayyem refuses to be a modern-day Cassandra.  Get your head around this book and get smart. Or ignore her lessons at your own peril.”―Miles O’ Brien, correspondent, PBS Newshour


“An eye-opening look at the disasters that have troubled humans throughout history—and why they seem to be increasing in frequency… An urgent, useful survival manual for our time.”―Kirkus


“Full of practical advice and incisive analysis, this is an astute and timely road map for mitigating the consequences of the next cataclysm.”―Publishers Weekly


“In a world marred by preventable miscalculation, Juliette Kayyem’s ‘The Devil Never Sleeps’ provides a playbook for making it out alive.”―Paige Williams, The New Yorker


THE DEVIL NEVER SLEEPS: Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters

