Kiko Yang

Rights sold: China
Blossoms of Flowers in the Darkness, Rebirth of a Rock
A story about the Elegance of Silence and the Power of Calm. A rock on the mountain top always claims that it’s the number one of the world. An unexpected earthquake changed its destiny from
the moment it dropped down from the top to river. One day, an old stonemason discovered it and found it an extraordinary material of the kind and decided to carve on with it. The rock dreamed
day after day that it may become the real masterpiece, but all of a sudden, the old stonemason disappeared!
The authored described that he was once in the downsides of life, and by chance the image of Kshitigarbha with Blossoms just crossed his mind. He started to write down the story and in creation of the work, he found the value of life again. For the illustrator, when he first read about the story, he was touched by the tenderness of the story, so he expressed the story with gentle and soft tone in the illustrations. The combination of the fascinating story with the softness of the illustrations will inspire the power inside of you. When you close your eyes, the story will calm you down and light you up from the lost and dull of life.

Rights sold: English (US)
Monkey Grandpa stopped on the halfway to the mountain and took a nap, and was awaken by the teardrop of the little bird. The little bird told him about his sorrow of being laughed at because of his voice. However, the voice of the little bird turned to be the strength and power for Monkey Grandpa to face the life and the new journey...
The illustration and text of this book is beautifully illustrated like a song, which want to give the readers the feeling of a singing a song and bring the melody of the memory to the mind. It is a picture book that people will remember.
Size: 20 x 28 cm