Four Days a Week: The Life-Changing Solution for Reducing Employee Stress, Improving Well-Being, and Working Smarter
#社會學 #趨勢調查 #工作效率 #休假 #壓力
「四天工作週,五天薪水?不降低生產力,還同時減少通勤時間和碳排放?這一切聽起來是否好得難以置信?為了找出答案,Juliet Schor和她的研究團隊調查了來自245個組織的8,700名員工,涵蓋多個大洲。…才華橫溢的經濟社會學家Juliet Schor以她一貫的『跳脫框架』方式,為我們展現了一種更好的生活方式。」 ——阿莉·羅素·霍克希爾德(Arlie Russell Hochschild),《被偷走的驕傲》(Stolen Pride)作者、《紐約時報》暢銷書《家鄉裡的異鄉人》(Strangers in Their Own Land)作者
「倦怠對我們的個人生活和工作中的生產力造成了巨大影響。Juliet Schor利用她的研究,提出了一個基於證據的有力論點,認為四天工作週是解決我們當前困境的一劑良方。這本書將激勵CEO、政治家,以及我們每一個人,為真正能讓生活變得更美好的改變而努力。」 ——羅伯特·J·瓦爾丁格(Robert J. Waldinger),哈佛醫學院精神病學教授、哈佛成人發展研究計畫主任
一年之初,是時候讓我們來探討探討週休三日的可能性了!暢銷作家、著名社會學家兼經濟學家Juliet Schor提出一週只工作四天、週休三日的理念。她以有力的論點說明這種模式如何能解決職場倦怠、人工智慧及氣候危機等重大挑戰,以及員工、公司與政府如何共同合作將其實現。
《週休三日的時代來臨》是針對這一趨勢的首部大規模研究。Juliet Schor——一位在工作領域研究和撰寫了超過四十年的專家,自1992年的《過勞的美國人》(The Overworked American)成為《紐約時報》暢銷書後,她便一直在這一領域具有開創性地位——在書中分享了對短工時工作的深入分析,包括公司如何實現這一目標、為何這一概念遲遲未能出現和被接受,以及實行短工時工作對公司員工與財務成果的幫助。本書是一個藍圖,提供了將曾經看似激進的變革實現的可行路徑。

Juliet Schor (茱麗葉.肖爾)是波士頓學院的社會學教授,同時也是多本暢銷書的作者,包括《過勞的美國人》(The Overworked American)、《零工時代之後》(After the Gig)和《過度消費的美國人》(The Overspent American)。她是美國科學促進會(American Association for the Advancement of Science)的院士,其專業成就曾多次登上國內外媒體,包括《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》、《新聞週刊》、《人物》雜誌、《60分鐘》節目、《今日秀》和《早安美國》等。她在2022年的TED演講,主題為四天工作週的論述,觀看次數已超過三百萬次。
"A four-day week with a five-day salary? Without lowering productivity? Reducing commute time and carbon emissions? Is this all too good to be true? To find out, Julie Schor and her co-researchers surveyed 8,700 workers in 245 organizations, spanning several continents. In this sequel to The Overworked American and Overspent American, and applying her usual 'out-of-the-box' approach, the brilliant economic sociologist Juliet Schor shows us a better way to live." — Arlie Russell Hochschild, author of Stolen Pride and New York Times bestselling author of Strangers in Their Own Land
"Burnout takes a huge toll both on our personal lives and on our productivity at work. Juliet Schor uses her research to make a powerful evidence-based case for the four-day work week as an antidote to what ails us. This is a book that will inspire CEOs, politicians, and the rest of us to work for change that can genuinely make life better." — Robert J. Waldinger, MD, professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, and director, Harvard Study of Adult Development
"Juliet Schor may be our most important economist, because she works on the things that actually matter to most of us, like why we can't have enough time to lead the lives we want. And as this book makes—anecdotally but also empirically—clear, we can! There's nothing pie in the sky about her plans—it's just pie!" — Bill McKibben, bestselling author of Deep Economy
"Conversations about the future of work are laden with hot takes and biased perspectives. Four Days a Week is not that. It's a book that is well-researched, well-told, and well-timed. Conventions around how, when, and why we work were negotiated before and can be negotiated again. We are on the precipice of fundamentally rethinking how we work, and Four Days a Week is the manifesto that will usher us into this new age." — Simone Stolzoff, author of The Good Enough Job
“It’s an open secret of 21st century life: lots of workplaces throw hours at problems instead of respecting people’s time. Even in tightly-run places, the turnover that comes from burnout can keep teams from achieving their best. In this thought-provoking and meticulously researched book, Schor shares how some companies have seen success by moving to a four-day week. Employees and organizations can benefit when people work hard while at work—and then get real time off. No matter where you come down on debates about workplace policies or labor laws, you’ll find this book eye-opening. I know I did.” — Laura Vanderkam, author of 168 Hours and I Know How She Does It