Rattled: How to Calm New Mom Anxiety with the Power of the Postpartum Brain


類別 : 育兒教養
頁數 : 240
出版 : Countryman Press, 2024 年 4 月 30 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Karen / 简体博達代理Karen




大多數新手媽媽會帶嬰兒去看醫生,卻忽視了自己可能出現的任何令人心神不寧的感覺或症狀。作者妮可‧彭薩克博士(Nicole Pensak, PhD)分享了自己和病人的經歷,確保新手媽媽在步入初為人母階段時能獲得完整資訊、認同和指引。









Part I 如何真正準備好做媽媽

  1. 理想的媽媽
  2. 媽媽腦的真相
  3. 準備好產後心理健康照顧計畫
  4. 女性的第二次青春期與初為人母的轉變
  5. 鞏固婚姻


Part II 如何適應成為新手媽媽

  1. 與嬰兒建立親密關係與第一次失望
  2. 如何降低媽媽愧疚感(Mom Guilt)
  3. 淡化外在對媽媽的羞辱(Mom Shame)
  4. 接納自己的媽媽脾氣(Mom Rage)
  5. 如何處理心理健康危機


Part III 如何從在產後初期的生存戰走向自我成長

  1. 如何控制神經重塑
  2. 如何掌握轉變: 重回職場
  3. 化危機為轉機




"Becoming a new mother can be extremely overwhelming, and it can lead to increased mental stress. Dr. Pensak has done an exceptional job in examining the ins and out of maternal mental health and providing practical and accessible evidence-based knowledge and strategies for new parents. If you’re an expectant or new parent, Rattled is a must-read."

― Eve Rodsky, New York Times best-selling author of Fair Play and national bestseller Find Your Unicorn Space


"Rattled is a must-read for all mothers. Dr. Pensak seamlessly blends science and practical strategies that finally changes the narrative around ‘mommy brain.’ Eloquently capturing the true wonder of the mother’s brain, Dr. Pensak brings much-needed attention and clarity to the physiological and psychological changes that occur over the course of a mother’s development and shares tangible strategies [and] easy-to-use tools to empower mothers through their own evolution (and protect their mental health). Dr. Pensak is funny, raw, and inviting, sharing her own unique journey into the chaotic and beautiful world of motherhood. Thank you, Dr. Pensak for helping us as mothers feel seen during this time of profound transformation, and for giving us the tools to ‘up the ante’ and thrive. Rattled has instantly reached the top of my list of recommendations for all moms I work with. . . . I can’t wait to recommend to my patients, family, and friends."

― Elizabeth Reichert, PhD, codirector, Stanford Parenting Center, Stanford School of Medicine


"In this incredibly supportive and practical resource for new mothers everywhere, Rattled equips women with what to psychologically expect ‘when you are expecting,’ and guides new mothers through the power and peril of matrescense, the developmental stage of motherhood we didn’t know existed or were taught to believe had no possible upsides. Through a blend of rigorous science and personal anecdotes, Dr. Pensak offers compelling new and alternative explanations for our anxieties and perceived inadequacies while artfully connecting us with a concrete and hopeful path forward."

― Jamie Jacobs, PhD, director of caregiving research, Mass General Cancer Center; assistant professor of psychology, Harvard Medical School; and mom of two


"Nicole Pensak’s Rattled is essential reading for moms and dads and the loved ones and caregivers who support them. It answers so many of the questions my wife and I had about how motherhood changes, influences, and shapes new moms, and it answers them thoughtfully, empathically, and with the authority of science and practical experience. Pensak is the perfect guide on this journey, enriching Rattled with her experiences as an author, researcher, scientist, therapist―and, of course, mom―trained in post-partum therapy, anxiety, and depression. Highly recommended!"

― Adam Alter, professor of psychology and marketing, New York University’s Stern School of Business and Psychology Department, and New York Times best-selling author, Anatomy of a Breakthrough


Rattled: How to Calm New Mom Anxiety with the Power of the Postpartum Brain

