Resilience: Hard-Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life


類別 : 心理勵志
頁數 : 320
出版 : Harvest, 2015 年 3 月 10 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


★    利用正向行動克服障礙的智慧傑作。
★    由暢銷作家、海豹部隊隊員及人道主義者的埃瑞克.格雷滕斯(Eric Greitens)所寫的自助書。


兩年前,埃瑞克.格雷滕斯意外收到之前在海豹部隊的戰友消息,這位戰友和他就像是手足一般,卻很久都沒有見面了。他是札克.沃克(Zach Walker),以前是個十分堅強的人,但自戰爭歸返於家庭後,他的生活變得掙扎,失去了意志力,出現創傷後壓力症候群(PTSD),並成日酗酒以逃避痛苦,他需要幫助。札克和埃瑞克開始每天書寫和聊天,同時埃瑞克也開始思考,如何讓人生活得更加有韌性。








埃瑞克.格雷滕(Eric Greitens)出生並成長於密蘇里州(Missouri)。他是海豹部隊隊員,曾獲得羅德獎學金(Rhodes Scholar),同時是人道主義的領導者,埃瑞克在牛津大學(Oxford University)取得博士學位。他於盧安達、阿爾巴尼亞、墨西哥、印度、克羅埃西亞、玻利維亞和柬埔寨等地與許多兒童和家庭從事調查並進行紀實攝影。

作為「未完任務」(The Mission Continues)的創辦人,以及《紐約時報》(New York Times)的暢銷書《心與拳》(暫譯,原書名為The Heart and the Fist)的作者,《時代雜誌》(Time magazine)曾將埃瑞克列為時代百大人物。《財星》(Fortune magazine)則選他為世界上50位最偉大的領導者之一。埃瑞克於密蘇里州和他的妻子希納(Sheena)以及兒子約書亞(Joshua)一同生活。


"In Resilience, Eric Greitens provides a brilliant and brave course of action to help navigate life's roughest waters. Resilience is filled with solutions, passion and compassion.  Every veteran of every war should read this invaluable book.  So should their families. So should every American." —Admiral Mike Mullen, 17th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
"I love this book. It is tough, smart and compassionate. I know no one else who could have written a book like this. Eric Greitens has the real-life experience, the courage and the heart to give all of us the kind of advice that can be life changing.  I will read, re-read, and send it to everyone I know. You should too!" —Martha Raddatz, ABC News Chief Global Affairs Correspondent
“What I have loved and admired most about Eric Greitens is that he sees the potential in all of us, and compels us to reach it.  In Resilience, Greitens draws upon wisdom that is both ancient and powerfully relevant.  Read it to win your own battles, and see why Eric Greitens is one of the great Americans of our time. " —J.J. Abrams, Producer/Director/Writer

“The consistent thread throughout Eric Greitens' life is a moral and practical commitment to the advancement of humankind. His initiative continues to inspire others to act. And in Resilience, he has generously shared what he has learned with all of us." —David Gergen Senior CNN Political Analyst and Co-Director of the Center for Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School

"This book is a gift not only to Greitens’s comrades-in-arms, but to readers everywhere."
— Publishers Weekly, starred review

"Greitens gives readers a solid core of ideas on ways to overcome adversity . . . Robust, heart-to-heart lessons for moving beyond obstacles to create a better life." —Kirkus Reviews

"Moving and candid . . . What distinguishes this most unusual book is the extent to which it draws on what it’s not too much to call the wisdom of the ages… Eric Greitens  successfully reminds us of a larger lesson.  As the texts to which he refers so seamlessly recede from academic curricula and become almost esoteric for too many Americans, Greitens makes clear their profound, ongoing relevance—not just to understanding our culture  but in helping us to make sense of  our lives.  In incorporating them in his letters to his one-time SEAL training buddy, Greitens underscores how the impractical is actually practical—and how we turn away, at our own risk,  from wisdom." —


Resilience: Hard-Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life

